Another (strange) Dimension!


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Well-known member
Apr 21, 2006
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Somewhere out in the abyss...I lost track.
Once a group of tamas gathered at Professor Maskutchi's house.

"Hello!" he said."Behind this door lies another dimension. I accidently created it last night while experimenting."

"With what?" asked a Tama.

"None of your business! Now we must investigate it. I have no clue what we will find, but since it was created with no real purpose, ther might be some strange and random things. (hint hint) Ready?" asked the Prof.

"No" everyone said.

"Good. let's go."

As they stepped inside, the door vanished. Everyone gasped! They were...

Last edited by a moderator: what seemed like a giant white hallway that seemed to never end. There was no gravity and all around them were blocks of smelly cheese and old magazines.

"This place is horrible!" Exclaimed the Professor.

"I think I see a door right there, let's get out of here!" Said one of the tamas.

They walked through the door and...

there was 5000 ants avery. Thene the tamas stated to be soked in the potal thene...

the ants were in the portol instide

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