Anti Tama Testing


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Well-known member
Jan 20, 2007
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United States
I think Tama testing is wrong. For example: people try to find out how to get a certain character; I think you should just be happy with the one you get! People make "cheat" charts, like a like/dislike chart; In my opinion, you should find out through experience which foods your Tama likes and doesn't like. There are also many other tests that people do on Tamagotchis. I am against them all. But, this is just my opinion, so PLEASE don't get offended by it. If you agree, reply to this, or PM me.

I do agree, but it's more like 50/50. Personally, I think it is considered cheating, but sometimes I don't have enough time to find out about my tama so I just look at the cheats and things.

well sometimes you should test your tama to see how to get your fav but its a bit silly just trying to get loads of different characters...theres a wide range anyways

I've debugged all my tamas several times and I sometimes post the results on this website. I don't really think of it as bad in all honesty.

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I've debugged all my tamas several times and I sometimes post the results on this website. I don't really think of it as bad in all honesty.
debugging is ok but if you just do like...uh...brake the tama, whats the point


but debugging like u is ok its just being fascinated

I think that if you are having trouble, and only getting the same characters, then they should either debug or 'cheat' as you call it. I don't think it's cheating, just tips for help.

Uh, dude, its not like they're real, living things or anything... In my opinion, tamagotchi=SNOOZE FEST. Dont bother asking, "THEN WHY DO YOU GET ON THIS SITE ANYWAY, YOU ANTI-TAMA FREAK???!!?" I have my reasons.

Child abuse and animal testing/cruelty are all wrong, but tamas are TOYS. Repeat after me, TOYS. If you buy it you do what you want with it, so come off it...

Uh, dude, its not like they're real, living things or anything... In my opinion, tamagotchi=SNOOZE FEST. Dont bother asking, "THEN WHY DO YOU GET ON THIS SITE ANYWAY, YOU ANTI-TAMA FREAK???!!?" I have my reasons.
Child abuse and animal testing/cruelty are all wrong, but tamas are TOYS. Repeat after me, TOYS. If you buy it you do what you want with it, so come off it...
LOL I actually am going to ask that question. Why ARE you on here if you hate Tamas? Cause the whole point of the forum is TamaTalk.

Uh, dude, its not like they're real, living things or anything... In my opinion, tamagotchi=SNOOZE FEST. Dont bother asking, "THEN WHY DO YOU GET ON THIS SITE ANYWAY, YOU ANTI-TAMA FREAK???!!?" I have my reasons.
Child abuse and animal testing/cruelty are all wrong, but tamas are TOYS. Repeat after me, TOYS. If you buy it you do what you want with it, so come off it...
... Serriously, don't go on here if you are gonna say that stuff...

Well I have got too say they are only tamagotchis, not living things. But yes if it was fake I would understand but its also a waste of money if it is real and they distroy it. Its only what they want too do though.


Uh, dude, its not like they're real, living things or anything... In my opinion, tamagotchi=SNOOZE FEST. Dont bother asking, "THEN WHY DO YOU GET ON THIS SITE ANYWAY, YOU ANTI-TAMA FREAK???!!?" I have my reasons.
Child abuse and animal testing/cruelty are all wrong, but tamas are TOYS. Repeat after me, TOYS. If you buy it you do what you want with it, so come off it...
As long as you're not here to troll...

Anyway I agree. The people who do "TamaTesting" as you call it are doing the same things people do when they right strategy guides or FAQs. Just trying to see what works best.

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