Any generation stories?


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Well-known member
Mar 4, 2008
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This is to tell stories on how you got other generations on your Tamagotchis! My 4.5 has had 3 generations. I first had an Ura Memetchi. I heard my Tamagotchi beep and I saw the Matchmaker! She introduced a Tamagotchi to mine and they got married. My Ura Memetchi's baby grew to be a Celebtchi. Then I connected mine and my sister's Tamagotchi's and they fell in love and had babies. And then my Celebtchi left. My Tamagotchi is currently an Ura Yound Violetchi (I'm always getting Uras :) )

Well, my most exciting new generation story would be when I had an Ojitchi on my v1 and an Otokitchi on my v4 and they mated and had children which turned into Oyajitchi!

One time, I had 7 generations, and on the 8th generation it died...:[

I have two Tamagotchis. Ones a girl and the other is a boy. The boy is a Hawaikotchi. And I got another Young Violetchi XD. When they're adults, I get them married :(

I got a Music Star. I had a Masktchi and she married a Mamaetchi and they got a boy and the boy is now a Androtchi (Robotchi)

My very first generation of V1 tamas, Tony the Mametchi and Maria the Kutchipatchi (yes, I am obsessed with musical theatre, I know...) had two babies on Valentine's Day. I named them Valen and Tino and they both grew up to be Mimitchis.

I actually won a bet because of that, because my friends and I all bought our V1s at the same time, and we had started a contest to see who could get Mimitchi first. My friend's 2nd generation turned into a Memetchi or something, and my other friend got a Gozarutchi.

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