Any other tamagotchi Youtubers on here?


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Well-known member
Nov 26, 2005
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I've been near daily vlogging my Tamagotchis for a few weeks now, inspired by the channel Chilling with Kakujo(I'm rather salty, haha, I had tried normie vlogging around the time he started, little did I know I had the perfect topic in my pockets!  :D )

That said, I'm also catching up on Kakujo's videos. Does anyone else vlog their Tamagotchis? 

I know we're not supposed to share links or advertise and Tamatube is long gone(I found the rules and we would have been allowed to share them there) so if you are a Tama-tuber, be careful not to advertise, but I still want to know you're out there so I can follow more Tamagotchi creators! :lol:

I'm not a vlogger. But you can find Tamagotchi stuff in my channel. (Videogame Cemetery VGCtm on Youtube) look under the Tamagotchi Treasury playlist.
I don't know if I can really consider myself a tamagotchi youtuber considering I don't normally post tamagotchi content on there, but I have posted two tamagotchi-related videos on there. One was just a music upload of a remixed version of happy happy harmony that I had commissioned to a composer awhile back, and another was just a parody video of Go-Go Tamagotchi's Second Ending where I swapped the baby music out with Fighters Megamix's opening theme.
Tamagotchis bring a lot of nostalgia, and it’s awesome to see creators like you and Kakujo keeping that alive. I don’t vlog mine, but I do enjoy watching Tama content—it’s oddly relaxing and entertaining. It’s great to know there’s still an active community out there!