Anybody 20+ ?


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Jun 10, 2005
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I was just wondering if anybody on here was 20 years or over, who loves their tamagotchi as much as I do?

I am a 22 year old female and I love being a ‘big kid’ with my tamagotchi. My original one (bought in 1996) provided me with a pet for many years while I was unable to have a real one. I have just bought a Tamagotchi Connexion Ver. 2. It is 2 years old (should turn 3 today). It started as a girl baby, then became the star and then became ringotchi (the apple). It has a full discipline (as of about 2 minutes ago) and hasn’t gone below one heart empty. Does anybody know what my tama will grow into as an adult and when it will grow up?

Hi, nellie... I was wondering the same thing. I thought people were going to be a bit older on this forum... but then I realized that I'm one of the oldest people here. I'm exactly 20 years old-- I'll be 21 in December this year. ^_~

It's nice to know there's someone else my age around. Haha. Congrats on your new tama. I just got my first one in a while. I'm like you-- the last one I had was in 1996, when they first came out and couldn't have a pet. It's such a nice stress relaxer. Heh. But yeah, nice to meet you!


Hiya! *raises hand* I'm over 20. :D

You are not alone. There is a group for older Vpets people. This isn't the only group on the internet. ;)

There is a Yahoo group where it's mostly over 20 years old in there. The more serious collectors :D are there.

I've been in that Tama group for at least 5 years now. It's a nice place to be *most of the time*. When you are in a tight knit group like that, every once in a while there might be little spats but that's just the way it is. Everything gets forgotten and life there goes on. :huh:

I like it here too. This place is so different. I like it.

I'm not even close to 20! I'm only 11 years old! I will become 12 in December. By the way, dysnfunctional doll, I like your avvie.

Hi Mothra :p

Thanks for the info ... I will join up one day soon... I've just had a busy time at work with end of financial year! :eek:



There arn't that many over 20's on here but still quite a few. The age is about 10-15 average (i think anyway)!

I'm 11!

Bye!!! :huh:

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