Anyone watch NUMB3RS?


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"We all use math every day." I had a calculus teacher in high school who had stickers that fit onto the Texas Instruments series graphing calculator covers that had that phrase and he gave me one when he found out that I watched that show. :D I used to watch it non-stop in high school. I loved it!

Old School, lol thats funny xD And you got on your teachers good side so thats always a great thing :3

My math teacher is the one that showed to me and I thought it was gonna be geeky at first but they are so intense! I just wish I knew it came on. I just usually watch it randomly when I find it. I don't even know what channel D:

Yeah, I loved my high school calculus teacher. :) I don't particularly enjoy math but he made the class bearable and helped me form a pretty good foundation for university-level calculus. Good times. I still have that calculator too!

It is pretty intense for a show that involves mathematical concepts! I'm not surprised that you watch it pretty sporadically. The series was wrapped up about a year ago and so it's probably on an obscure channel at a weird hour, unfortunately. You can always check your cable listings to see when it's on. I'm pretty sure you'll be able to find episodes online as well. :)

lol your lucky that it gave you the base for college at least. :3 My math class went horribly wrong.

OOO i didn't even think to look online! ak;dfasdj -excited- I def have to go find it online NOW lollz

My Math teacher actually showed it to us in class last November! ^.^; There weren't many people in the class because a lot of people were going away on Geography Trips and things, so we got to watch it, and... I absolutely loved it! ^.^;

lol I bet you were surprised you loved it too. =P When ever a teacher shows you anything especially a math thing you automatically think your going to hate it x3 I know I was surprised. :p

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