Anything but nailpolish!


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Well-known member
Mar 16, 2006
Reaction score
Australia, Melbourne
Hi all,

My last v3 get wrecked when i put clear nailpolish on it to protect the pattern=( Is there any other way to keep your tamas pattern on beside clear nail polish im too scared to put nailpolish on so i really need help!

-tayz! :(

Well theres a lot of Creative stuff you can do.

Iv'e heard that some ppl make beds out of cotton with wood or paper around it.

You could make a littlwe carrying case for it. A little bit like a cage... except you can see it clearly and you can pop it in an out of its cage. I've seen a lot of creative Ideas. It wouldnt hert to try it. Its like little Acessoris For you tamagotchi.

hope this helps,


well i painted my ENTIRE tama with sparkly clear nail polish and it worked just`s my tips on using nail polish:DO NOT ATTEMPT TO USE NAIL POLISH REMOVER ON YOUR TAMA!!!I accidently used it on my screen when it got on the screen... BIG mistake it`s now all fuzzy like the plastic screen is`s best to scrape nail polish off with a knife.but if you DO get brave and decide nail polish again then put TAPE ON THE SCREEN TILL THE POLISH DRYS!!!also on any opening!!and do not leave the battary in AND DO NOT paint inside the cover.0.0 thats dumb in my veiw cause who`s gonna look inside?

In the end it`s best to use acrylic paint or model paint.

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