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Well-known member
Nov 14, 2007
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[SIZE=14pt]Okay, no title![/SIZE]


Jose Rodriguez could have had a wonderful life. He was married to a beautiful devoted wife. They had two diligent children, Max and Annelise. He worked as a chemist and made a good living. However, he took all of this for granted. He always viewed the glass as half empty.


Instead of seeing a beautiful devoted wife, he focused on her few flaws. He saw her beauty as vanity, and he cevotion as clingy and needy. No one in the entire community knew why they decided to marry if he was such a horrid man.


He was good at his job yet did not get along with any of his co-workers. They viewed him as selfish, arrogant, and bossy. He viewed them as incompetent and flaky.


Until one day, he was on a vacation at Disney World after his children had begged him and their mother. His kids ventured off with their mother. He went to the Hotel's library to read and just relax by himself. While there, he went on the PC and a whole bunch of pop-ups appeared on the screen. One of them said, "Find your path's history." They asked him to go through a mini questionnaire and then type in his name. After doing that he found a whole list of his past ancestors. As he scrooled down he saw all these different spanish names until he saw one that read, Wayne Chiu. He was confused. He had always thought his family was Spanish. They spoke spanish, they ate spanish food, they had even lived in Spain at one point. He did not have an Asian friends. (actually, he didn't have ANY friends). Who was this Wayne Chiu?


He continued to read until he found the bottom of the page and he found a contact name and e-mail address. It said, exactly and he quotes, "If you have any further questions or comments, please e-mail the Administrator, Cecilia Bulivio ([email protected]). It seemed pretty harmles to e-mail her. They didn't ask for his credit card number or anything. Not even and identification question, other than his he decided to do it.


Here is what he wrote to Cecilia:


Dear Cecilia BONEHEAD,


Now, I'm confused. On your website that you administrate..."Find your path's History"... it tells you to find your ancestors...DUH, I'm not stupid I know how to do that.. and I did. These are NOT my past ancestors you dumb chick. What is wrong with you people? You messed up my life you fat chick! You don't even have the right names. My name is Jose Rodriguez, and as you can tell I'm Spanish. I found that on the list there was the name, Wayne Chiu. That is an Asian last name... DUH! Oh god you are such a &*^&%^ %^&*($!!!! And a &^$%*!& an that! :hitodetchi: [insert smiley here] What is the point of going on your site and putting up with it if you aren't going to tell the truth to me??!! HUH??? HUH?????!!!!! I am on vacation with my family and I don't need to put up with you.. and see.... YOU HAVE WASTED MY VALUABE TIME!


Again, Jose blames other people for his decisions.


He hit the send button and left the computer. He met up with his family for a short while and then they went out to dinner, but before he went back to their hotel room he took a detour and went back to the hotel to check his e-mails. He only had one. It was from Cecilia Bulivio.

Here is what she wrote:

[SIZE=14pt]....Continue here!....[/SIZE]

Hey Jose Rodrigez!

I have a busy life.So instead of blaming evrything on me,try blaming something on YOURSELF for a change,no?My site is very accurate,and the reason why there's an Asian last name is cause...Nah I wont tell ya.

P.S Please don't reply to this email, otherwise you could get what you deserve.

Jose's mind turned EVIL. He planed on sueing Cecila. He pressed on 'Reply' on the screen and wrote.....

' To Cecila,

Your going to get what you get, as I'm going to sue u and.....

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