April Fools day!


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Well-known member
Feb 19, 2009
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Tomorrow is april fools day, and so I as wondering what everybody is doing as a joke, if you are doing anything.

I'm.. not sure, I might send my friends an email from "the police" saying my body was found on a highway (o_O) and then send an email right after saying april fools. I don't know if they'll believe that though :(

...anyways, do you have any pranking ideas? What will you be doing as a prank?

There might be some big prank played on a lot of computers.

No, I don't really enjoy April Fools Day. I can't wait to see what is going to happen in school.

Despite the fact that I not yet been at this school for a year, my friends have already created a tradition around me. I shall apparently be victim to all of their pranks. This is girls and guys. Lindsay and Aida and Tom were teasing me about it at lunch. Playfully, of course.

Oh well. It should be fun. And I have a pretty prankster mind myself. x3


Yes, yes, I have plans. My friends and family should be afraid. Very afraid. x)

I will also go for a classic: saran wrap on the toilet seat xD

I'm gonna put a sticky note on the bottom of my mom's computer mouse and write "April Fools!" on it! If you put the sticky note on the bottom of your mouse, try moving the cursor. Its not going to work!!!

Really, try it right now!!!

I might also switch the sugar and the salt tonight...

I don't seem to prank on April Fools day as much as I would...say 4 years ago.

I usually forget about it. I don't have any brothers or sisters trying to prank me.

Mum, Daddy and I have been planning this for 2 months. Our victim: My Nana.

Its Nana's birthday on April Fools day so shes used to the odd evil present but this is possibly the biggest surprise ever.

We told her Aunty Cathy was coming and she needed to be picked up from the airport. Aunty Cathy wasn't coming at all. Nana gets to the airport to find her sister, (My Great) Aunt Anthea. Aunty Anthea was coming on April 10th as far as Nana knew. So for her birhtday Nana gets her sister all the way from Boise Idaho.

She came in the door to find me, Daddy and Grandad. She says "Did you know about this?" Me and Daddy say "Yes" Grandad said "No" Nana said "I'm gonna get you so bad"

We are all going out for dinner tonight. Mums sister doesn't know. We aren't telling her either. She expects Aunt Cathy but instead shes gonna get Aunty Anthea. I can't wait to see her face. She doesn't take not knowing things well.

Ever heard of the boy who cried wolf?

Yeah.. I wouldn't go through with that idea.

That's a horrible thing to do to people you consider friends. Joke or not.

As for the whole day, I'm not doing anything.

Nah, I didn't do anything.

But, my friends got me so bad. Well, to them, it's always April Fools Day. Sarah brought a toy ghost to school today and to me, little wimp Ksenia, it was the scariest thing ever. Everyone was just staring at it and weren't scared. While I was running around and hiding under the tables while trying to build myself a fortress type thing.

Well, I did bring some pictures of Barack Obama dressed up as superman. Wasn't a big hit though. Everyone was just amused by me being scared of that ghostling.


I tricked Ksenia on MSN xD I told her that I tripped down the stairs. And I had the wrap this thingy around my leg. I was badly bruised. And Ksenia believed me x3 And I said 'April Fools'!!!!!

And my sister. I asked if I could hold her MP3. And I held a small wooden dog in the other hand. Then I sat down, And I dropped the wooden dog. It made a loud sound. Then I said that I dropped the Mp3. And she was like OMG! And I screamed April Fools! She almost killed me O:

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I didn't do anything except tap people on the back and shouting "APRIL FOOLS!" in their face when they turn around.

Haha, i know it's lame but at least we had fun. =D

I forgot it's April Fools... Oh well, I didn't go to school today. I hate pranks and jokes and gags and rumors etc. They just upset people, although everyone at school probably thinks I'm taking the day off to make it look like I skipped school >.> Oh well xD

I didnt prank anyone but we all got pranked by my teacher is a school assembly it went:

Teacher- Miss can I have a word with you this is serious


Teacher-Something really bad has happend some poisonous spiders from south America have been passed on a plane to our country and they have bitten 6 people 3 have died. They all had something in common they went to a public toilet before they went to Peckham Hozzie hospital.. The doctors found out that they had all been biten on the butt by a poisonous sipder so before you go to the toilet cheak under the seat..


Me- OMG I need to go to the toilet and I'm scared I dont wanna die DD;

Teacher- It was a joke there is no such place as "Gullable" Resturant or Peckham (British place xD) Hozzie LOL

Us- Very funny sir xD one of my hypocondriac buds was sitting there going "OMG I have the symptoms and I went to the toilet AHHH"

xDD Apparently it was an Internet Hoax,, Typical Mr.

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Oh yeah *mischevious smile*

I tricked my friends in thinking I was moving to New Zealand after Easter. I know it's mean. But still, they weren't really upset. I think they suspected

And, at my house, my cousin slept, so there was the usual scary sounds and ketchup packet under the toilet seat. ;)


1. I went to someones door and pretended to have a Heart Attack.

2. I went out, Phoned my Bro and said "I think I've left my phone in my room, can you check?" Well.. he fell for it

April Fools is my day to shine.


Once a kid got sent to the office during french. For eating a banana.

You can guess what the whole class did.


Me and my friend taped photos of Icelandic astronaut Bjarni Tryggvason, all over the school.


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