Aqua Pets


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Active member
Sep 11, 2004
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Planet Tamagotchi
I did a search on the forum and saw that several of you owned these "toys" - For those of you that do, would you reccomend them? I saw them on ( and after reading the reviews for it, I really want one (or actually two so

the two can be friends :lol: )

I was thinking that the next time I make a Tamagotchi order I'll order a pet too and see how they are :lol: Being 17 and buying toys...Greatest thing ever XD

I saw those at Toys R us when looking for Tamagotchi Connections. They looked cheap, and bored me.

I thought they were amazing (being able to move around in water and all) until I saw the strings . x)

Yeah, I read that some stores sell them for like only $7.50 so they are pretty cheap ;_; Haha, I read a review on Amazon that said that their pet got tangled up in it's strings and doesn't know how to get untangled, so THAT's what she meant, I thought the dang thing actually floated or something :lol: :lol:

I don't get the fun in a thing that goes into a small jerky, convulsion whenever you press a button. But I suppose if it's only eight bucks...

Did anyone ever have a Mutsu? It was this little fish that had a magnet on the bottom of it, then you filled up this little area with water and he'd move around attached to a magnet in the little area. Unfortunately, the cat drank all of the water out of it every night and after awhile, the fish started freaking out and spinning around for five minutes, but it was awesome while it lasted. Here's a link:

I found it in the back of a K-Mart.

I don't remember those at all, which is surprising. But it sounds fun xD I really liked that site though, all the pictures are making me want to go out and buy a whole bunch of old toys. Thank goodness for ebay :D

I think they would good for children to young for tamagotchis yet. That way you can get them addicted early. *MAUUHHHAAAA!!!*

Those Aqua Pets would be nice for someone's desk at work ... Or in a bedroom. But they do seem rather dull.

I saw the Aquapets at Target when I was on the hunt for tamagotchi connection, pressed the "try me!" button and thought it was the funniest thing. :D

Right now I'm like in a kick about buying a whole bunch of toys that remind me of my child hood, so when I saw those Aqua things they reminded me of Furby's and I was like, "I HAVE TO GET IT" - Mixed reviews it seems, but I guess since they're under $10, can't really beat that :p Hmm, what other type of toys from the 90's were extremeley [sp] addicting? :D

I think they would good for children to young for tamagotchis yet. That way you can get them addicted early. *MAUUHHHAAAA!!!*
Evviilll Pockygirl :) :lol: Good idea though XD Every child should have a childhood obsession! Mwahah

Right now I'm like in a kick about buying a whole bunch of toys that remind me of my child hood, so when I saw those Aqua things they reminded me of Furby's and I was like, "I HAVE TO GET IT" - Mixed reviews it seems, but I guess since they're under $10, can't really beat that :) Hmm, what other type of toys from the 90's were extremeley [sp] addicting? :D
That's how I feel, pretty much. Minus the Furby's. The irked me.

Aquapets are cute, but i recommend to buy two of them. They'll have "conversations" together and mimic eachother's movements for at least an hour, that's so sweet. The Aquapets itself isn't that interesting, all you can do is pushing the two buttons to feed it or give it love/play with it. So buy two, place them opposite of eachother and you'll have some really nice company.

I never had a Furby when I was little, everyone else did though, so still to this day I want one haha.

I think I'm going to have to find a way to go to Target or KB Toys and try out some things (like the Aqua Pets) and spoil myself some :D Everyone around me pretty much is thinking I am crazy, but oh well. I'm having fun and that's what matters!

Did anyone ever have a Mutsu? It was this little fish that had a magnet on the bottom of it, then you filled up this little area with water and he'd move around attached to a magnet in the little area....
I really want one of these toys, but I can't find them anywhere :p I can't even find them on e-bay! If anybody has any leads, then please PM me.

I saw the Aquapets at Toys'R'Us - they looked cheap and didn't interest me at all.

Well, they're pretty ok for the first ten minutes, and then they get VERY boring :lol: All you can do is feed them and "give them love." Lemme tell ya, that was the worst 8 dollahs I've ever spent in my life. I can understand a toy being annoying and not very fun for older people, but if it doesn't pass a ten-year-old's (I'm 10) standards, it's probably not something you would want to buy. :)

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