Are cell phones allowed at your school?


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There alowed in my school but if you put it in your purse and carrie it around with you they take it away

In my College your allowed them, in College you can take whatever you want as long as it's not dangerous. And eat in the classrooms and text etc, I actually like college lol. Even in High School you where allowed to take phones, but not allowed to text even though everybody did with it 'hidden' under the table.

NO, but people bring them. I dont. I will Probably be allowed In Jr. high (next Year)

Yes, but we're not allowed to be using them inside school (only during lessons).

We can bring them but we can only use them outside of school. Like at the end of the day when we go outside to go on the buses we can use them.

i put it on vibrate.

one time this kid's cell rang in class. he answered it in front of the teacher! you know who it was?

it was his grandma.

she wanted to know what his parents wanted for christmas.

it was august! lol......

Nope, but I dont really care :D

I bring it anyway, my friends and I hang out in the old cricket nets and randomly text each other.

Nope, we aren't allowed to have a cell phone at all.

If they see it, they take it and you never get it back, not even if a parent comes to get it.

I take it anyway, just in case of emergency.

- xd3vilx

Yes, but we're not allowed to be using them inside school (only during lessons).
Same here. except band lessons the teacher doesnt care. We can bring them with us to class, but we cant use them. If we do, they get conviscated and we have to go to the teachers room after shcool. Depending if it just rang, or you were texting someone- it might be sent to the office. I just leave it in my backpack so it isnt taken away

We can bring them but you have to hand them in at the office but most kids don't. Your onl allowed to use them when your out of the school grounds. We're also not allowed,






Mp3 Players I got told off for have chewing gum in my mouth as I was walking out of school and I don't see why they banned it?


nope we are not aloud them, i only take it if im going somewhere or i need to keep in contact with someone e.g parents or grandma.

one time about 10 of us in the same classroom took our mobiles in and everybodys got confiscated(sp?), but mine didnt cos i was the only one not showing it about.

(off topic: samething happened with tamas and there was about 20 tamas and they all got confiscated(sp?) then a letter got sent round saying no tamas but i threw mine in the bin (letter not tama) ).

In the new senior school im going to in sep, no phones on the bus or on the way home from school, but im taking it just in case.

U GUYS ARE LUCKY! They have theses scanners and scan are lockers to make sure theres no, phones, MP3s, ect. They even scan YOU! Poor me.

Cell phones are allowed at my middle school. We get bomb threats alot, so I don't think it is a good idea. (a cell phone can st off many types of bombs) What do you think? ;)
my school gets alot of bomb threats.

lucky TT-ers! we're not.

according to our current principal,

card games are not allowed (go fish, crazy 8's,blackjack^_^)

because it is not catholic to gamble.... 0_0

they are allowed at my is the same 4 me as it is 4 Auburn (creator of this topic) because we go 2 the same school!!!....(we are twins....really)

Yes they are. Well it's odd. If you have it out and are playing/texting/using it it will be immediately confiscated. But people still bring cell phones and text during class. It's not so hard to hide. Teachers here are stupid.



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