Are Furbys still sold in stores?


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Well-known member
Jan 18, 2009
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My sister had a Furby when I was younger when they first came out, and I remember I always wanted to play with it but she never let me. I've always kind of wanted a Furby, so I wanted to know if stores still sell them in Canada? Maybe at Toys 'R' Us, or Wal-Mart?

Some people say yes they are still sold in stores, and some people say no they aren't, so it's hard to know for sure!

If they aren't sold anymore, why not?? A lot of people liked them, and I remember they were REALLY popular, so if they aren't sold in stores anymore, why??? :lol:

I really want (wanted) a furby too.

But I guess they're kinda old now and not many people want them anymore...

I think I saw furbies at my local Toys R Us. (I live in Ottawa)

I've been asking my mum to get one, but most likely not until April. :lol:

We have furbies here, but NO tamagotchis! :lol:

I've looked in Walmart and Toys R Us, but no luck...

I didn't understand. :lol: When I lived in Toronto, there were always bins full of 'em. Guess I'm not lucky..

I've had to buy off Ebay.. :angry:

I saw a Furby in Wal-Mart summer of '07 in California, US and then I looked again a few months later and it wasn't there at all! I can't find them in stores whatsoever; I totally need to get one though as I've wanted one since they came out and haven't been able to get one.

You can always find Furby's on ebay! :furawatchi:

The retail life of toys can be quite short.

I worked at Toys R Us for 5 years and I saw a LOT of things come and go. That's just the way it is. Some things are classics and seem to stay for ever, others just don't have a long life.

Sometimes it's production. The companies think that these things will be popular for only so long so only so many are made. Production is over and that's it.

I have not seen a Furby in a store for 3 years. The new Furby's were weird. I like the old ones better.

Ebay is your friend. Don't forget that.

I think I saw furbies at my local Toys R Us. (I live in Ottawa)
I've been asking my mum to get one, but most likely not until April. :eek:

We have furbies here, but NO tamagotchis! :eek:

I've looked in Walmart and Toys R Us, but no luck...

I didn't understand. :p When I lived in Toronto, there were always bins full of 'em. Guess I'm not lucky..

I've had to buy off Ebay.. ;)
AIEEE! Luckster! Furbies are sold NOWHERE in NM, and only music stars are sold in NM. (Im very sick of music stars)

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