Are Goths at Your School? ( NOT PUNKS )


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@ evilerobots: I won't even bother replying to the rest of your post, just wanted to say that when I said "original poster" I didn't mean original as in she's unique, I meant she originally started the topic--she posted the first post.

@ tamaw/pants: Thanks. B)

Well,there are no goths at my school(duh, i am in the 5th grade) but with our prinicipal i don't think he would allow them.He is strict with stuff like that.I don't think that goth's are bad people...but with the one's that actualy try to commit suicide,i feel sorry for them...

Labels have changed since I last dealt with them. Last I heard it was the 'emo' kids trying to commit suicide. But ok.

I'm against labels which I've said MANY times here. Mainly because I've been labeled by idiots in past schools, and it sucks.

I've been called, 'goth', 'emo', 'punk' and tons of other things.

Maybe they dress differently than you, but you have no right to label them and never the less make fun of them. That honestly disgusts me.

Being labeled something you're not hurts. I don't know if you realize that, but it makes you feel like you're not at all unique or special in any way. That you only apply to the stereotypes that the label given holds.

You're human. They're human. Enough with the labels. They're not needed.

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