Are Tamagotchi v4's


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yep there very fun but as all verions you play in for like 3 mounths and then keep it on pause for like forever!

They are really fun :furawatchi: You get to play games, get jobs, and earn skill points. It is like having a real live child, only a tamagotchi :)


They are pretty cool. The by far neatest feature is the control you have over your tamagotchi's fate due to the new skill points system. However, it also manages to preserve that charming tamagotchi randomness when it comes to character growth. The family you become a part of when you grow into a teen is pretty random, but you can control which member of that "family" you get (and what job you get) with the skill points. Really fun stuff. [Click Here for the growth chart.]

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"Others?" as in better than other tamas or other Virtual pets?

It's quite a bit better than the v3 due to the points system, I think. (I like the v4 more and more each day.) Regardless of it's comparison to the v3 or other past tams, though, it's worth the buy. Period.

As for other Virtual Pets, I can't say I have too much experience with them. Nothing except some older japanese VP have ever enticed me at all; I'm pretty tam loyal. ^.^

The v4 is worth the buy.

i dont have one but thier is just somthin about it that i dont know i seem to like my v3 better though

thier is to much memories with my v3 ^_^

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