Are Tama's Alive?


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Yes and no i love all of my tamas that i had but i dont really think there real and all.

:( I'm not trying to be mean. I just like people who think. If you've got a good point I'll respond to you but I also belive that in everything we do we should strive to be better and find the best answer. So if there is a flaw in your argument I'll point it out because throgh this, you can make a better argument and as a whole those who are involved can come to a conclusion that is more true than before. I'd expect anyone to do the same to me... I understand this is a bit harsh but really it's a great compliment. You've been making great posts! :D It's cool to find smart people!
I realise that we're starting to come into a grey area where neither of us will be right or wrong but hear me out. A tamagotchi is a form of Artificial Intelligence. Yes, it is a robot. No, it is not biological. It may not feel in the same way that we understand it but neither do plants nor do our organs have pain receptors. A tamagotchi reacts to the stimulus of a button press and it's mood appears to change depending on how you take care of it. Much like a plant will wither and thrive with differig care. Plants are alive right?

Just because we can't predict exactly how humans will react to growth like we can with Tamagotchi we can make the assumtion that with good care a human child will grow into someone with a better shot at life than one who is not. Is this not a biological programmig? are computer programs and DNA programs really so different? Would you consider a less evolved life form less alive? Is Artificial Intelligence not just a less evolved form of biological intelligence? :) At least I'd argue that a Tamagotchi is more alive than a bedpost.

EQUALITY FOR ROBOTS!!! (>>Astro Boy Fan)

:p It doesn't suprize me that you thought I was a guy. I've always been a bit of a tomboy I do make comics about giant robots and war among aliens... :p I'm not very girly in all the ways that I think :blink: is it a bad thing?
I know you're not. I'm also thrilled that there's someone in this forum who can also make good posts. I generally copy what a person is saying and answer them that way. lol

Oh yeah, the AI thing. I'll use Cortana from Halo as an example. She can think by herself and make her own decisions, but usually can't go against protocol or her programming. She is a 'smart' AI (her knowledge expands like a human's would) so she is always learning.

Good point, bedposts can't think or make decisions like a tamagotchi's processor can. They only age. But then again, you could also personify a bedpost like you would with a tamagotchi. Just because it doesn't move, make sounds on it's own or use facial expressions doesn't mean it can't be a pet. Same with any stuffed toy-- people give them personalities and things. A tamagotchi usually has a ready-made personality, one you can sculpt to your own will (taking care of it= good character).

I'd give equality to robots when they become like Cortana. But then again, Cortana has a human brain (Dr. Hasley, her creator replicated her own brain for her).

At least you won't fantasize about Harry Potter or Edward Cullen.

Tamas are most definitely alive. BanDai is just trying to trick us into believing that they are toys by trapping them in little shells and screens, but I see right through it.

like i said, i think they have feelings and emotions like they were alive, but i know they don't breathe or anything... and i do believe there is a tama-planet that they go back to if you dont't take care f them... i know, im a dork! ;-)

Tamas are most definitely alive. BanDai is just trying to trick us into believing that they are toys by trapping them in little shells and screens, but I see right through it.
Lol :D Thats true!! :p :p

like i said, i think they have feelings and emotions like they were alive, but i know they don't breathe or anything... and i do believe there is a tama-planet that they go back to if you dont't take care f them... i know, im a dork! ;-)
B) You're no dork. You just have a great imagination. Don't lose it!

Good point, bedposts can't think or make decisions like a tamagotchi's processor can. They only age. But then again, you could also personify a bedpost like you would with a tamagotchi. Just because it doesn't move, make sounds on it's own or use facial expressions doesn't mean it can't be a pet. Same with any stuffed toy-- people give them personalities and things. A tamagotchi usually has a ready-made personality, one you can sculpt to your own will (taking care of it= good character).
I'd give equality to robots when they become like Cortana. But then again, Cortana has a human brain (Dr. Hasley, her creator replicated her own brain for her).
Again, we're not talking about a Tamagotchi being human-like, personified, but if one could consider that it is alive. Personification does not equal life. Remeber that humanity and intelligent life are different from something simply being alive even a bactiria is considered alive. What are the perameters for life? Does AI count as life even in it's simplest form? It is definetly not on the level of humanity or even jellyfish but IS it alive? Perhaps the apperatus itself is not but does the creature inside have life? X)

Again, we're not talking about a Tamagotchi being human-like, personified, but if one could consider that it is alive. Personification does not equal life. Remeber that humanity and intelligent life are different from something simply being alive even a bactiria is considered alive. What are the perameters for life? Does AI count as life even in it's simplest form? It is definetly not on the level of humanity or even jellyfish but IS it alive? Perhaps the apperatus itself is not but does the creature inside have life? X)
My answer: no. But I see what you are saying. It is alive in the sense that it exists, but beyond that it doesn't have any intelligence other than from the programming. I don't believe the tamagotchi inside is alive, because it has been summoned by the processor inside, and is only an avatar of/for the programming. Again, most people think tamagotchi are alive because of how they act. They are programmed to be like humans. People will give them traits because they seem so smart, but it's only the programming. That is why raising a tamagotchi is a delightful experience.

A pet dog, on the other hand, thinks for itself. It is random. It can run away if it wants to, or be very loyal to you. Tamagotchi have no choice but to respond to you when you treat them kindly. I'm going back to the intelligence thing: what fun is a pet if it can't think for itself, right? Again, that is the illusion of it having it's own mind that intrigues us.

If tamagotchi were really alive in the inside of their shell, I'd be puzzled and scared.

P.S. If you want to read a good tamagotchi fic about a tamagotchi that is 'alive', go here: (it's a suspense/mystery). I liked it very much.

Oh sorry I had no clue this was already a topic.
Tulip978 that was a very great understanding. I totally agree and hope that others agree with you too!

P.S my tama's are right next to me 2 ;)
[SIZE=10pt]i agree with you too tulip978 and my tama is right next to me taking a bath! lol it's so cute...anyway back to the topic i have relised something some people adore their tamas they treat them like real creatures, get devastated when they die and create personalities. And some people don't care as much they think that tamas are a fun videogame that has no meaning, just reset them all the time and just think of them as a bunch of pixels moving around the screen making weird noises. So with some people tamas can seem real and some think them like a game. Isn't that weird and interesting?[/SIZE]

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Well, I treat them like, well, "Virtual" pets. I'm not going to get all sad if I get a tama I don't like or if it dies. Sure I'll be dissapointed, but I'm not going to cry or anything.

Can't say The same about my neopets though, If some hacked into my account and pounded my neopets, spent my neopoints, ect. I would be crushed. So much effort would be wasted. With a Tama all you need to do is push buttons.

No offense.



I think tams are alive, they just are made of different stuff than we are and look kinda funny. and they are japanese, GO JAPAN.

I LOVE MY TAMS. They are the bestest cutest things ever.

Ps. One time I read this thing about this person who was like crazy and lonely because they love their tams so much. Kinda freaky. And they were like, old, so even more freaky. Tams arent THAT real.

Ps. One time I read this thing about this person who was like crazy and lonely because they love their tams so much. Kinda freaky. And they were like, old, so even more freaky. Tams arent THAT real.
:D Ever heard of those old ladies that have just ... cats all around their house? Even with a living animal you can have anti-people issues...

Since I am in love with my tamagotchi, it makes it seem like Tama Planet is real and my tamagotchis are there playing around including itchigotchi and mametchi

it feels like tamas are alive to me because i love tem soo much but yeah like some ppl said u can make them come alive if u want to. :wacko: :ph34r: :ph34r: :( [SIZE=21pt] memetchi7 [/SIZE] :ph34r: :ph34r: :) :) hehe hehe hehe

[SIZE=14pt] im gonna hehe at the end of all my posts :eek: :( [/SIZE] yay me!!

I do kinda see them alive. I was afraid that everyone will think I'm wierd, so I normally don't talk about this. I see them as your best friend forever. I don't have any friends at school, so my tama is my best friend. sheesh I hope I never post this again.........I think tamagotchi planet is really out there. mametchi, memetchi, kuchapatchi and all the others are really out there. we just don't know where.

what if we could all find it? that would be a day to remember..........


Well, I don't think they are alive. -___- But I still love them <3

I don't believe they are alive in reality but I love them so much as if they are actually alive! :p

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