Are Tama's Alive?


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OF COUSE!! MY NEPHEW RICKY BROKE MY TAMAGOTCHI AND I CRIED!!! :( MY PARENTS HAD TO GO TO THE STORE AND BUY ME A NEW ONE!!! <I AM A TAMA FREAK! ;) :kuribotchi: :furawatchi: :hitodetchi: :lol: :lol: I LUV Kuchipatchi!!! lol

I do look at them as if they were alive. I love and care for them, and I talk to them, and I play with them... Me and one of my friends LOVE them. I mean, we love them like a son or daughter. I love watching them grow up, and they act as if they were real, too.

People at school make fun of me because I keep my tamagotchi in my locker with the sound off, and after class I go to it and feed it and stuff. XD I'm such a nerd. Anyway, like Tulip said, I really do see them as more than a blob of pixels. They're pets. Family. Love. (and the teach responsibility)

Also, they can die!!! If something can die, they have to be alive in the first place, right?! RIGHT?!? ANSWER ME, ALL OF YOU WHO SAID NO!! ANSWER ME!!!! (I went crazy right there :mimitchi: )

I think all my toys are alive. Including my tamas. I think of them as cute little creatures in egg shaped cases to protect them from harm. (So if you drop them, they aren't harmed) :D

Recently, I lost my beloved pet rat Jude. My friend adopted his brother (because he has pet rats too and they love to be in groups) so he wouldn't be lonely. It made me so sad that I don't want to have another pet rat.

This made me think about my Tamas...

I think that even if they aren't living and breathing creatures, I think of them as pets and they bring a sense of joy to life. I've always loved "non-organic" (not sure how to word this haha) pets, like a little robot dog I got for Christmas, Neopets, etc. but Tamagotchi is by far my favorite.

So while I don't think of them as alive in the sense that I think I am, I care for them and love to watch them grow. ;)

I treat them like a game with just a character you need to look after.

I just take average care of it, not spoil it, not mistreat it. I've never thought of them as 'living' though. :ichigotchi:

Cya! :D

They are somewhat alive. They are like pets, children, etc... I mean they need to eat, be happy, and stay healthy or they will get sick & die. Just like every living creature. Also, in a sense, they are just a toy, that you can pause.

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I take care of my tama and talk to it all the time like it really is alive, but I know that it really isn't, since it is impossible to create life inside a toy. But no matter what I think, I know that I was born with an imagination and I can always think that they are whether they are or aren't.

yes i think there alive my tama go every where with me when my tama dies i light some candles have a ceremony i love my tama

No i dont think they are alive. They are dots on a screen :D . But i still love my tamas ;)


Are Tama's alive? No, they are not alive. Just because they die does not make them alive in the first place either because they are replaced with a press of a button. Now it seems everyone is confusing "alive" with "real". Something being alive or have life must exhibit certain specific traits such as adaptation, consumption, or being composed of atleast one cell. Tamagotchis do not encompass some of the traits, so therefore they are not alive or live in our hands. Now, if something is real, that's a matter of perception. If you perceive them as being real, then so be it, that is all in your imagination. My answer: Alive, no. Real, no.

Are Tama's alive?  No, they are not alive.  Just because they die does not make them alive in the first place either because they are replaced with a press of a button.  Now it seems everyone is confusing "alive" with "real".  Something being alive or have life must exhibit certain specific traits such as adaptation, consumption, or being composed of atleast one cell.  Tamagotchis do not encompass some of the traits, so therefore they are not alive or live in our hands.  Now, if something is real, that's a matter of perception.  If you perceive them as being real, then so be it, that is all in your imagination.  My answer:  Alive, no.  Real, no.
You just killed it for some people who like to imagine that it's alive or real.

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tamagotchi's dont breathe but in my eyes they are real. i care for them as if they were real. they are like my personal little family, call me crazy but i treat them as if they were alive like you and me :p

I look after my Tamagotchi as if it were really alive, but I know it's not. x]
Yep, same here. :huh: I look after my Tamagotchi as if they were alive, but I know they're just a bunch of cute pixels on a screen. :huh:

No I don't think they're alive. I just see them as adorable little virtual pet thingies that I can take care of when I want to. If I don't feel like taking care of them, I can pause them or take the batteries out, something I've found is quite impossible with a real, living pet. Also if I forget to feed a tamagotchi for a few days and it dies then that's not really that bad.

No, they are not REALLY alive.. But they act as if they are alive so we treat them that way. :blink: :D

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