Are Tama's Alive?


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I don't mean to be mean, but this is just wishful thinking. Tamagotchis aren't alive, or anything like it.

It's a bunch of circuits programmed to put pictures on a screen. Those pictures are made to look like creatures eating, playing, hatching, and dying. But none of those things are really happening, it's just pictures made to look like they are.

Also, they can die!!! If something can die, they have to be alive in the first place, right?! RIGHT?!? ANSWER ME, ALL OF YOU WHO SAID NO!! ANSWER ME!!!!
It's not actually dying. We just call it dying because that's what it was made to look like - the same way we say characters on TV "die". (...Or fight aliens, or rescue the princess, or anything else they do.)

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When I was small, my sister had Tamagotchi. When it died first time, she cried like 5 hours. She really thinked that tamas are real animals who live in some kind of Tamagotchi world :D and we controlled them with plastical little things. Well, she was like 7 years old :lol:

I beleave that tamagotchis are alive. And tulikallo has a point because is a good side of view to see and think about tamagotchis are alive. But i think that tamagotchis are in that little round cyrcle waiting for your love. So me -some people thing i am weird- because i speak to my tamagotchis.
So all tamagotchis out there. Speak to your tama, SHOW some love. Dont be afraid what other people say.

Yours trully


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I don't mean to be mean, but this is just wishful thinking. Tamagotchis aren't alive, or anything like it.
It's a bunch of circuits programmed to put pictures on a screen. Those pictures are made to look like creatures eating, playing, hatching, and dying. But none of those things are really happening, it's just pictures made to look like they are.

It's not actually dying. We just call it dying because that's what it was made to look like - the same way we say characters on TV "die". (...Or fight aliens, or rescue the princess, or anything else they do.)
T'is true but if you wanna belive they are go ahead I guess...

I think they're alive. The artificial need could be a plea of a live creature. In a scientific way, they are alive. Bandai takes electrons from animal fur/skin.




tamas are alive and somewere in the univers there is tamaplant.... (i know

im a tama geek)

Okay, so, what I meant was that even though people can think like they were alive, and take of them like real pets (that's what I do), the truth is they are not real... :) But thinking they are real and taking care of them seriosly is fun, so nothing bad about that! :)

i think mine are alive...(i sometimes talk to them) i mean u take care them like a living thing for a long time and they die if they are not fed....

No,I don't think they are alive but every one has there opinions.Although,they act like a real parent,

Thinking tamas were alive is making me crazy.But it's real,for me my tama was alive.Living with them,eating with them while lunch,cleaning their poo,bathing with them(i made a mini tama bag floating with a plastic material and a toy that my couzin gives to me i called it fishy floaty,it's a mini orange fish,you can put candles,tamas,cellphones etc.,i glued the bag in the fishy floaty so that nobody can use the fishy floaty except of me),talking with them that's the evidence...

Even in the real dimension,they can't even talk,eat,bath(every BanDai instruction have a notice saying don't immerse in water),poo etc.I talk with them with my heart,eat with them with my mouth,and bath with them with my body.No tamas were only pixels in my heart and in the innermost part of my soul.They were being alive in our hearts(taking it seriously) :mellow:

For those who thinks that tamas weren't alive it's ok,at least,you care for them and live with them happily :p :D :p :) :)

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Tamagotchis are only real in the sense that they exist as a tangible object, something you can touch and hold. They do not live, breathe, eat, or suffer. They are nothing more than little electronic circuit boards that over time drain their batteries and eventually end up in the dumpster or eBay.

Tamagotchis do not Die. They were never alive in the first place. They do not evolve. In a hundred years from now, will say a Version 1 be any different? Could it somehow evolve it's pathetic little lcd screen into a beautiful color screen on it's own? Could it suddenly play an instrument? Does it even reproduce, produce more egg-shaped Tamagotchis from itself? Obviously you all know the answer to these questions. Tamagotchis are nothing more than programs that take input, decide from a very limited set of "options" based on certain conditions, then give an output based on those. Your little Nintendo DS has more brains than that Tamagotchi, but you don't consider that alive.

Others defend it saying that caring for these pets teaches one responsibilities. The only one I can really think of is maybe time management. Just when I thought there was a speck of sanity, I then read that you could take the experience that you learn from your Tamagotchi as if you were raising a child! I had to face palm myself when I read that... Are you serious? Child rearing? RAISING CHILDREN? This game teaches you that? I'll hand you a 4 month old baby and we'll see if having that pet reach Generation 99 actually gives you the knowledge to raise a child. No amount of care you spend on your Tamagotchi will ever amount to a real pet, like a dog, cat, hampster, whatever. Let alone an actual human being. I'm pretty sure your "allowance" could pay for diapers, bottles, milk, doctor's visits, and everything else you could need for the baby. Yeah... right.

I went and touched on most everything and everyone that I deemed delusional. I realize this is a bunch of kids talking. They don't know these things. They obviously are confusing reality with their imagination and maybe some of them are just "special" that way. I'm not going to say sorry for offending anyone. What I speak of is not an "opinion", it is a FACT. I don't just "feel" that tamagotchis are not real. They Really Are Not Real! I don't just "feel" that you are not able to raise a real pet, or a child with the experience you get from the game. You really cannot compare a circuit board to real flesh and blood! I'm terrified to think that the future I'll be seeing is a bunch of kids that confuse a little, colorful, plastic egg that obviously isn't alive, yet..... they're talking to it, cuddle with it at night, cry for hours when it dies, and then at the end of the day, they just push the reset button when they don't get the pet that they want. As time passes, the truth reveals itself, just like how Santa Claus and his reindeers disappeared from our imagination.

Well they are obviously not literally alive, like heart pounding, brain moving etc, but it's really up to you how you want to look at it.

Sometimes it's hard not to think it's alive. Because when it needs attentions it'll call for you, it gets hungry, it gets sick, it needs love. When really, it's just a program shown with a bunch of pixels, but it's all about imagination, and skill, and I like to pretend it really is alive, and needs my love and I give it all the love I can give. :rolleyes:

A while ago, there was a topic a lot like this. I'm not saying you copied or anything, because that topic is long gone. I'm happy to see this question again, because I can give the same answer I gave last time: yes. I know some of you could give me tons of reasons why tamagotchi aren't alive: debugging, how they're made, their "insides" and all those other things. They don't breathe, talk to use, or walk. But what IS alive, really? Is alive only alive in the way we understand it? I know that tamagotchi were made by someone in Japan as a new toy targeted at high school girls, but to me they're more than that. When I look at my tama (who is right next to me) I cannot believe he's just a hunk of pixels.Another point: in way, don't we make tamagotchi COME alive? We give them personalities, tell stories about them, talk to them (at least I do!), and many other things. Have we given tamagotchi life? Have we turned them from pixel pets into creatures, alive in their own way that we cannot understand right now and maybe never will? I think we have. You can have any opinions you want, but these are mine. Thanks for listening to me ramble on and on. :(


tulip (and my tamagotchi GBP, or Green Bay Packers :) )
I completely agree with you. When I'm with my Mimitchi, its like my best friend I always hang out with and that I'm never truly alone. I do EVERYTHING with it always. I understand if some people don't understand the "relationship" I have with my Mimitchi.

in my opinion,my tamagotchi is alive and i even talk 2 it sometimes,my older sister and some other people make fun of me because i have a tamagotchi,but i just cant live without mine. :eek: :D

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