Are tamas taking over?


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Are tamagotchis taking over your skool?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

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  • A little Bit

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  • I unno, I dont care either

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What are tamagotchis?

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  • I dont go to skool

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Well-known member
Aug 1, 2006
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Marianas Trench LAND! :)
well at my skool the tamas were taking over. everybody had them. but the children werent really concentrating on their skool work. so their grades began to drop. pretty amazing how a little tamagotchi can take over your life hey?So just take the poll above ^^ and state your opinion below__. get it? got it? good! :furawatchi: :wacko: :) ;) :) :D :ph34r:

I've been out of school for two years now... Anyway I'm glad that Tamagotchi aren't such a hit at my workplace. If everyone had them out at work they would surely get banned. I'm the only one so the mangement really don't care if I have them as long as I'm not messing with them on the register, though I do sometimes take a look at them on the redline to make sure they are still paused and what not. People should be pausing their tamagotchi when it is needed. Can't have a tamagotchi unpaused while driving a car unless you want to hurt someone walking down the street.

Tamas are taking over! almost EVERYONE in my class has one! :furawatchi: We started a Tamagotchi club. We meet every Wednesday. It totaly rocks to have so many tama obsessed friends!

no one at my skool has a tama. I don't think many know about them, or maybe because everything and I mean everything, must be of high standard

Last year it was a HUGE (sorry for caps)thing. Everyone kept connecting while the teacher wasn't looking and we would take care of each other's tamas. Now they keep saying that they'll restart it but the only two people that bring them to school is me and a friend of ours. (I put mine to sleep while she pauses them) Also they banned them at our school ^_^ I don't know why though it's not like they'll be too distracting. (not for me at least)

bye from tamalight

Well, They used to be taking over my school but now pretty much nobody has them! But now I like them again because I just got my V4 yesterday! So as soon as people find out about the V4's there going to take over my school again. I think that I'm the only one who has a V4 so far!

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thnx everyone for your opinion. but the reason i think that the tamas were banned at your skool tamalight was because your teacher may have noticed when you guys were connecting when(if) you guys werent supposed to. but even thou teachers can be a REAL PAIN sometimes they are actually there to help you. they want you to get a good job and a good education with out workiing REALLY hard.but anyways thnx for everyones opinion! :lol: ;) :huh:

with warm regards ~Tia

No, these kinds of things don't appeal to the crowd at my school. If these were iPods or something, then maybe I'd vote yes.

I don't think anyone at my school has one, if they did they would play with it in the library, but I haven't seen that yet. Only Nintendo DSes. :huh:

In the 2005/2006 year, EVERYONE had a tama in thier hand. Now, there's no one....

:angry: :angry: :angry:

it may rock, but think about it. we dont go to skool 2 learn about tamagotchis, do we? maybe we do...

im cool with people bringing them to skool, but if they could pause them, sound off, in their backpacks, it would b nice...

my friends forget 2 turn the sound off, and teyh beep during class... its a good thing i have a nice teacher. 75% of the kids in my school have one.... 20% have more than one 70% bring them to skool. be nice... dont prevent your classmates from learning... although they might want you to...


and you know why?

Because they banned it

(Mumbling) I hate them sooo.... much!!!

I started the Tamagotchi Craze ibn my school :) .I got on because all my fiends had them aty my Brownies i bort it to schoool and my firnd got one becasue i had one then my other friends had them for christmas :(

Everyone in my school, except me, thinks tamagotchis are stupid. Back in '05/early '06, tamas were very popular. We had a really big fan club and it ROCKED! (Ah, the good ol' days) But now I have 7 tamas and when my friends see me with them out of school, they probably think I'm babyish. But I still care to take them shopping and stuff at the weekend :)

it may rock, but think about it. we dont go to skool 2 learn about tamagotchis, do we? maybe we cool with people bringing them to skool, but if they could pause them, sound off, in their backpacks, it would b nice...

my friends forget 2 turn the sound off, and teyh beep during class... its a good thing i have a nice teacher. 75% of the kids in my school have one.... 20% have more than one 70% bring them to skool. be nice... dont prevent your classmates from learning... although they might want you to...
No need to be so angry :) It DOES rule to have tama obsessed friends.

well only1me i agree with you that we dont go to skool to play tamas. and yes it would be nice if they put their tama on pause and the sound off. and they could save the tama playing for lunch time and a break.

and yes i think that tamas do take over SOME skools. kids are just thinking about fun sometimes until the world comes up and smacks you in the face. thats wen its time to put the tama away and focus in/on skool. :( :(

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