Are these people mad or what?


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ok that is just proper sad what joy would you get from blowing up and smashing tamagotchi's?

this video makes me very angry..

1. this child is unsupervised and has a lighter in the house in his bedroom!!

2. he has some sort of problems if he gets happy from breaking toys

3. he does not know that fumes released from plastic are highly toxic

4. where are his parents? I know he has a friend there but all the more need for supervision

Silly silly boy but its his money hes wasting to do this

love RED

this video makes me very angry..1. this child is unsupervised and has a lighter in the house in his bedroom!!

2. he has some sort of problems if he gets happy from breaking toys

3. he does not know that fumes released from plastic are highly toxic

4. where are his parents? I know he has a friend there but all the more need for supervision

Silly silly boy but its his money hes wasting to do this

love RED
Er, not to be rude or anything, and I do love Tamagotchis, but why is that sad? It's just a toy... I mean yeah, that's being insignificantly rude and immature, but seriously guys.

And these two looked and sounded rather 18-ish. What's the point in having supervision if you're like 18?

Besides, it was their idea to be stupid and immature. It's done and over with, and you can't go back. :p Yeah, it sucks that those two would waste like $15-$30 on a Tamagotchi just to blow it up. I mean come on, people! Those batteries would take no more than 5 minutes to replace, and they're probably, what, a dollar or so?

But yeah, like I said, if they want to be stupid and immature, they're probably going to be. It's just the way a lot of teen minds work. Notice I said 'a lot', not 'all'. I guess it's their loss, and our suffering. :p

oookaay... That video was sad to me because those people have...problems. I dont care about the tamagotchi. It's just a plastic toy (no offense people, but it is). Okay, maybe if they were burning portable dvd players, but not a $15 toy.

The frog say it's just a toy. Tamas and other handhelf V-pets have no feelings It's no differnt from people smashing a video game console. Frog will find guide before this turns into a flame war and drama factory. People like you should grin and bear it and not let it bother you.

Accually, if you look around the page, it states that it's a Fake Hong Kong Tamagotchi, not a Bandai Tamagotchi.


The frog knows you all like Tamagotchies, but the frog wishes that you would develope a sense of huour, insteadof turning into a drama action with stuff you like getting destoried.

It's not sad at all! :furawatchi: Actually, I found the dinkie dino one funny! The tamagotchi blowing up was just....weird. They are plastic toys, so it's not like "murder" or anything. It's their money wasted, so....we don't ned to worry about it ;)

Yeah the one on the smashing was quite funny i thought. But the blowing up.......scary and mad

Yeah the one on the smashing was quite funny i thought. But the blowing up.......scary and mad really (they hated their tama).....scary? Yes! No super vision by an adult makes it scary.

;) Im sorry but I found the Dinky Dino one pretty funny! I have nothing against tamas. The one lighting the tama on fire, that was just weird:eek:


in the back there, were those ingrediants? how much do yall want to bet those kids were on drugs. you heard them! "i bet the smoke from this can get you high" they said it. WHERE R THERE PARENTS!!!! oh well. if they want to throw away their lives they can go right ahead. poor tama.

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