Are u a dog or cat take the test!


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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2007
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the moon =^_^=
ok here are the questions:

*when u r done see bottom*write on peice of paper and tally to see which letter u get most then see who u r.PS I DIDNT MAKE THIS SO IF U DONT LIKE YOUR RESULTS DONT B RUDE.

1:whats your hobby?

a:being lazy or sleepinng

b:hyper crazieness!!!!!!!!

2:what do you care about most


b:my family

3:what is more important to you?

a:personality(how u act)

b:image (how u look)

4:if someone irratates you you tend to:

a:punch of bite them


5:would u rather play with


b:a toy

mostly a's :cat

mostly b's :dog

as and bs:either

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I'm a dog... o....O;

xD I'm a bit of both I would say.


1:whats your hobby?

a:being lazy or sleepinng

2:what do you care about most


3:what is more important to you?

a:personality(how u act)

4:if someone irratates you you tend to:

a:punch of bite them

5:would u rather play with


I bet I'm a cat ;)

I'm both...

That reminds me of this programme...where there was this animal, and half of it was a cat and the other half was a dog. It lived in a house that was half a fish and half a bone.

It scared me when I was little.

That reminds me of this programme...where there was this animal, and half of it was a cat and the other half was a dog. It lived in a house that was half a fish and half a bone.
Lol, I remember that. The rabbit used to give me nightmares.

I'm a cat.

I can tell you right now that I'm a cat... I'm too lazy to be a dog. =3

Yes, well, I'm a thingy. o_O


ok here are the questions:
*when u r done see bottom*write on peice of paper and tally to see which letter u get most then see who u r.PS I DIDNT MAKE THIS SO IF U DONT LIKE YOUR RESULTS DONT B RUDE.

1:whats your hobby?

a:being lazy or sleepinng

b:hyper crazieness!!!!!!!!

2:what do you care about most


b:my family

3:what is more important to you?

a:personality(how u act)

b:image (how u look)

4:if someone irratates you you tend to:

a:punch of bite them


5:would u rather play with


b:a toy

mostly a's :cat

mostly b's :dog

as and bs:either





Dog! YAY!

1:whats your hobby?

a:being lazy or sleepinng

2:what do you care about most

b:my family

3:what is more important to you?

b:image (how u look)

4:if someone irratates you you tend to:


5:would u rather play with

b:a toy

Dog >.>

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I'm both...
That reminds me of this programme...where there was this animal, and half of it was a cat and the other half was a dog. It lived in a house that was half a fish and half a bone.

It scared me when I was little.
shell...your a cat???

WOOF BARK MEOW BARK (IMA DOG) AWOOOOOOOOO *is hyper and spazzztical* i only got TWO cat things...

Candygirl i <3 ur avvie!!!!!

Rayy, i remember that. It was called "Catdog". I don't remember if I liked it or not...

I'd say a dog would be more likely to bite you if provoked.
I am a cat.
Cats would, because they like their personal space and if you invade that space when they don't want you to, or you scare them, they bite, and scratch.

Dogs just growl, well, large dogs growl, but if you keep annoying them, they bite. Small dogs tend to yap, then bite, like *snaps fingers* that

I'm both... Oh Rayy I remember that program, it was one of my faves, they'd dissagree and stuff, I liked the theme tune. *searches Youtube*

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