Are U a Dog person or a Cat person


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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2006
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Hi! I was just wondering if most people are a Dog or Cat person. :D

Its just some thing Iv always wondered!!!

Please answer to the poll and then tell why U said that answer!!!!


Apples and Oranges.

I like both, actually. But right now I'm more on the cat side because we rescued a stay about a year ago now and she's pretty... pretty crazy! xD

I used to be a dog person, but now that I've recently got a better interest in cats,

I would prefer a cat over a dog. Low maintenance, Lol!

They usually find out things fast ^_^

I'm a dog person. I think dogs are more lovable and loyal. Then again, I don't like cats, because we had a mean farmcat when I was 4 or 5 that I have a scar from, so I may be wrong.

Cat. I have 2 dogs and 1 cat, and my dogs are fun and hyper and crazy, but my cat is more like my personality, calm, collected, and laaazzzyyyyy


Dog person, I was born in the year of the dog and I love 'em, I'm listening to our 13 year old dog pant like crazy right now.

Im a dog person, they are sooooo cute and fun (but I'm allergic to dogs and cats)

I think dogs are more fun 'cause you can teach them how to fetch a stick.

GO DOGS!!! ;)

Im a dog person, they are sooooo cute and fun (but I'm allergic to dogs and cats)I think dogs are more fun 'cause you can teach them how to fetch a stick.

GO DOGS!!! ;)
Actually, you can train some cats to play fetch and other 'dog' games. If you really like dogs, Savannah catsare pretty dog like. ;)

Anyone knows that I'm a dog person, duh. It's obvious.

.. Obviously wrong. Meow.

Seriously speaking, I don't much like the "Dogs are so awesome and cats suxors lol" attitude or vice versa. It's rather obnoxious.

I like dogs better. I'm allergic to cats, and if I'm near them I get really bad hives that spread all over my body and my eyes get red, my nose runs, and my throat gets soar. I like cats but I just have to stay away from them.

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