Are you a EMO?


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Well-known member
Mar 7, 2009
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Me im a little emo

sometimes i am but sometimes im not

its just complicated

( notice something about my avatar? )




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I ish not an emo >.<

Far from it... I'm more like a happy little twonicorn with flying implements and toys that help me live as well as amazing lovelies who keep me alive and stop me from doing dangereous things, yet still dare me to put used cigarettes in my bag and take them home.


I'm not emo but my hair makes me look emo a bit. I'm scared to wear black because somebody might think I'm emo!

iDmo[x]' date='March 20, 2009 12:31 am'] Never.I don't slit my wrists, I don't have long droopy black hair, nothing.
Not all emo cut! thats just people saying that, cause im emo and i do not cut myself.

First of all, this is just begging for a flame war. :|

Second of all, there is already an active topic on this in Non(TamaTalk): [Click]

There are a lot of inputs and opinions already there, and it's kept under close tabs, so things don't get sticky. ;)

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No, I'm not emo.

The label emo actually infuriates me because ignorant people throw me into it a LOT. It especially happened in high school before it became the new 'fad'(Why is depression suddenly cool among kids?).

Barely. I voted a little because once I was pi$$ed and starched my arm really hard until it bled. My mom got pi$$ed at me because she wanted me to be a model and I ruined my skin (I DO NOT WANNA BE A MODEL!! I LIKE WRITING!!! I WANT TO BE A WRITER!!)

Wow. This topic is so fsking sad. Emo is a label, not a person. If anything, it's a type of music. And last time I checked, you can't be a type of music. I'm called emo every single day. But this topic annoys the hell out of me, because people are replying to it actually saying "Oh yeah, I'm emo!" -.-

I thought emo was music. How is it possible to be music? I WANNA KNOW :0

But seriously, if we are going to label stuff, then nooo.

But, people's definitions of 'emo' are all very different. To me, it's anyone who calls themselves emo. If you don't think you are, then you are not. Same thing with preps.

The only thing that annoys me, is when some betch comes up to me and says, "Oh wow! You're so conformist! I'm not like you because I don't want to be like everyone else." But the thing is, I stick out like a sore thumb, and they look exactly the same as every other Twilight Wannabe in America :0 I mean, WTF.

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