Are you concerned about Global Warming?


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I don't believe global warming exists. If there is going to be an apocalipse, God would have told us by now.

I dunno, about the posters above but for me, global warming is the hot hard truth.

It has been proven, that our atmosphere is thickening, causing the suns rays to reflect back to earth, thus, warmer us drasticly.

So, are you dissagreing with that fact?

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I dunno, about the posters above but for me, global warming is the hot hard truth.
It has been proven, that our atmosphere is thickening, causing the suns rays to reflect back to earth, thus, warmer us drasticly.

So, are you dissagreing with that fact?
Posted this before..

Global warming is happening EXTREMELY slow. at the rate its happening, earth will be completely un-inhabitable by humans in 3000 years. Plus, by then it would of turned around into ice age again. Were going into a heat cycle/ Earth does it tons. Hot then cold, ice age then tropic stage. Nothing new. Pollution just dellays and shortens the ice age, and eggs on and lengthens the tropic stage.
im just really concerned about the flooding it would cause. i mean with global warming it could melt iceburgs and any other form of ice, then it would possibly cause the Earth to flood.

;) ya...A LOT. plus global warming causes the weather to become diffrent then normal..not nessesarily WARM

lol my dad ist scared...he thinks the goverment is screwing with him

It's freaking cold in Wisconsin. I don't think there will be global warming here anytime soon. :\

But I mean, honestly, the whole scam with Acid Rain just floated away after being scared about 'ONOEZ! WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!' Running around like chickens with our heads cut off.

It's something to worry about, but don't go overboard.

I for one think that global warming is less of a deal than they are making it.A long time ago the scientists were worried about Global Cooling.Plus temperature changes like this have happened before in Earth's history and it obviously wasn't a big deal.I do belive that if the stuff they were saying were to happen it would be very bad and I do think that littering and pollution is a problem but I think they a blowing this whole thing out of proportion.


Not really, I mean I recycle but I think of it

as more of a chore than helping the envroment.

I know this sounds bad but I'm more concerned of next weeks math test

than the global warming issue.

I'm aware but yeah.

Al Gore is to blame to make GLobal Warming such a big deal. It's called Media scare and scare tatics. There are alot worst things out there. However. No need to worry.

^ I knew about it. Didn't really care about it that much. There are other issues in my life. But I think that global warming does exist, and in a few years, it could pose a major threat. After all, we are burning so many fossil fuels, and polluting, that it is quite likely that these greenhouse gases exist.

Greenhouse gases exist, causing the greenhouse effect. And, I know that some of the greenhouse effect is good, becuase it helps warm the earth, but too much will cause global warming.

I don't like the idea of global warming. I don't think many people do.

okay i am raged so heads up!


You wannna know who i hate most?( besides Satan)

(sry to people who are not christans)






So yes I am so cocerned about global warming. If we dont stop with the stuipd cars and factories and become energy efficent, the end of the World will come alot sooner.

It scares me so much.

Acid rain is coming.

We need to wake up and realize that we are killing oursevles and more importantly,

our world.

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I think that it isn't as big of deal as .:ILikeCheese:. and others are making it.Yes it is bad and could pose as a moajor thret in later year I think that the effects will not be a catastopic as scientists and Al Gore predict.

Sort of; I do believe that it is a problem in the world. However, I think that before it becomes a big problem, scientists will find a way to stop it. If you think about how fast technology advances, it's a pretty logical theory I think.

Hehe. Really, people. No. I sure don't beleive in it. Yes, the earth is getting warmer. So? Doesn't mean it will keep going that way? Remember 10 years ago when everybody was saying that the earth woul dbe melted in 10 years? HAHA! lol it cracks me up. If anything is going on here, it's that the freaking polar bears are taking over the world and that global freezing will KILL US ALL! Lol. Just kiddin. =]

Hehe. Really, people. No. I sure don't beleive in it. Yes, the earth is getting warmer. So? Doesn't mean it will keep going that way? Remember 10 years ago when everybody was saying that the earth woul dbe melted in 10 years? HAHA! lol it cracks me up. If anything is going on here, it's that the freaking polar bears are taking over the world and that global freezing will KILL US ALL! Lol. Just kiddin. =]
ok no offense but you are extremely wrong. Global warming is a problem, scientists have COMFIRMED it. Part of it is that the earth is just going through a cycle, but we are also causing it. We are the ones who put the hole in the Ozone layer. You seem CONPLETELY oblivious to what is really going on. and like I said, no offense.

Tama 3445521508

ok no offense but you are extremely wrong.  Global warming is a problem, scientists have COMFIRMED it.  Part of it is that the earth is just going through a cycle, but we are also causing it.  We are the ones who put the hole in the Ozone layer.  You seem CONPLETELY oblivious to what is really going on.  and like I said, no offense.
Tama 3445521508
SOME- not all. Saying that practically every scientist has confirmed it would be a total false statement. Many have but still many have not.

Obviously she isn't "completly oblivious" because a good number of others on this site- and around the world- have the same ideas and thoughts on this matter.

Just because you say "no offense" doesn't mean none will be taken. If you believe differently, great, but if what you're saying has to have a "no offense" maybe you should reconsider saying it or at least reword it in a different way.

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