Are you emo?


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I'm goth, not emo though there's these boys in my class who keep shouting to me, "EEEEEMMMOOOO!!!" And I'm like "wtf??" but I don't take it as an offence. I have nothing against emos.

I don't mind a REAL emo. Fake emos are the worst. Many people on TT [i won't say names] just say they are emo but they really aren't and I can tell. That's what drives me nuts. When people say they're emo just to get attention.

People call me emo- I guess I am. ^^
How could you be emo? You used to be so hyper and happy..

No I'm not emo. Just a little depressed at times.

Well I'm pretty emo. You may not know it from me on TT but if you saw me in the real world,you could tell. I haven't smiled in about 3 months,I have dark shadows around my eyes,I have a pretty deep gash in my wrist,yeah I'm emo.

I don't mind a REAL emo. Fake emos are the worst. Many people on TT [i won't say names] just say they are emo but they really aren't and I can tell. That's what drives me nuts. When people say they're emo just to get attention.

as for a lot of you who say you are emo, I want to say one thing: I know emo. and When I say that , I also know that when your emo, you dont tell people your emo, or show people your wrists, or all that...crap. Thats attention-seeking. And I can safely say you dont share your problems, the deep ones, freely. I back GG. A lot of people on here, they are such fakers, posers, etc.

Thank you bye.

i am not emo

emo origanated from hippys ( ..or so i heard )...then turned into turned into a way of like for somepeople

myself..i don't care

i heard a quote once

A real emo is sad one moment then 5 min. later is up and hyper..(sounds bi-polar like) and a fake up is just sitting there cutting themselves

witch s quite funny ha see ow many definitions they have on the urbandictonary

but no i am not emo

sorry for missspelling and stuff but i can see anything and my glasses are like crap and i cant' find my contacts so im relieing on jaws *adapting software*

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Ummm.....I dont think you should call people those names its ridiculusYour yourself and you dont need names to prove it.
Just because you don't care about labeling and don't do it [while that's impossible as we all do it to a degree, some moreso than others I suppose] doesn't mean others don't. It's part of society. It's part of the social system. If someone told you to invision a gothic, preppy or emo person, you'd think of this or that depending on what you consider it to be [which is defined and can change depending on your surroundings and other people interactions].

Emos don't cut, depressed people do? I don't sit right with that statement.

The most known reason for anyone to cut is that either 1. they don't want to feel the pain that they have no control over [ex. their family died in a car crash, they don't have money to support a quality life style, everything is going wrong, etc.] or 2. they feel they are numb to the world for some reason and need to feel something other than nothing [if you've heard the song Pain, "pain without love/pain can't get enough"].

It may also be out of the pressure of being "emo". My friend just decided to slash herself with a screwdriver because it was there and "she couldn't help it". Although she has depression passed down from genetics, she's been turned "emo" and I think that it doesn't help her to be around all this stuff. If she doesn't want to be a poser in this clique, because it is a group of people with similiar ways of dress, music and the way of acting, does she have to do these things? Can she not be a genuinly happy person?

Depression is an imbalance of horomones in the brain. Sometimes it's because of something going on in your life and sometimes it's just off horomones. I've been having a rough time and it may be because of a horomone imbalance but that does not make me a cutter.

Not all cutters are depressed but they all do need help.

Emos just listen to heavy music. Mostly wears black
No, emo people don't listen to heavy music and they don't wear mostly black. You're thinking about gothics.

Emo people listen to really sad music (ie. Dashboard Confessional, Hawthorne Heights..etc) and wear tight pants and band shirts. They have the bangs cover half their face and have girly hair cuts. They also look sad all the time. They cry over just about anything and they sit in they're pitch black room feeling sorry for themselves. To be honest, emo is just a trend. That will most likely die within the next few years.

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Another thing i hate is this labeling thing its just making people go against other people and the media isn't helping just making things worse.

Tv and stuff is making it seem like just because your in one group of people that you can hate another group makeing like a war. The jocks and preps group into a alliance going against everyone else.

I just don't get it its just a waste of our time and efforts

some people don't like emo people just because there different i could really care less who they are or anything

You don't know the person you don't know who they are or anything about them

BUT why do most stand there and judge just because of diffrences WHERE ALL different.

Everyone has something nice about them just because there in a group doesn't mean everyone in that group is the same.

but remember there are 5 types of people no groups YOU have a choice YOU control your actions NOT other people

You could be someone you likes to make drama aka. the drama maker then theres the target someone who never sticks up for them selves then theres a peacemaker someone who solves thing then theres the trouble maker well thats ovous then theres the Choice maker someone who chooses to be nothing but again everything they help and stay back they know when to quit and know when to no quit.

hmm i typed more then i expected..^_____^

Just cuz u wear black and like punk rock dozn't mean ur emo, u kno. People who make up names like that are just shallow, stupid, and stereotypical. (the three S's) If people think down of others cuz of the way they dress or the kind of music they listen to...then there will continue to be hatred. And why do people always associate self-mutilating to people who wear black and lke punk rock? Srsly, a person who looks totally normal on the outside culd be cutting themselves. A person could wear black clothes and listen to Lamb of God or whatever every day...and still be happy and an amazing person on the inside. I mean, I love Anime and Manga...and usually stupid people associate that with "Emo" or "Gothic" people...but seriously if people took the time to learn about a person and meet them...then the world would be a lot less hateful!

But that's just my opinion....


Well umm yea?You dont need to be emo to cut yourself :l

Emos are somewhat Depresed but most of them are smart enough no to cut
Exactly... I think. o...O

Eh I dunno, maybe I read you wrong. xP

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