are you evil


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sometimes I'm both but mostly good (sometimes I feel a bit evil)

I do alot of good and bad things, but I don't feel it!!! So i put neither...

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I voted good, but I should have voted both because when I am in a karate fight (yes, I take karate), I feel evil. :p

Im so evil... I put both though scince after I do bad thngs I feel bad.

Good going Liz, that takes talent ^-^

I am evil and I dont even try. I am so flattered!
Same here. Lol.

[[ I'm good...occasionally. But I'm evil daily. ]]

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I am very evil. I do evil things without even thinking about the consequences.
that doesnt make you evil, lol.

'evil' brings images of coldhearted people stoning kittens to death, calling out racial slurs to people, kicking dirt in other people's faces, etc. to my mind. Im not evil. Im just... normal

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