are you evil


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333 is my number so im only half evil but the other half is with my freing heather. Together we are the saitin sisters.


MWA HA HA HA HA!!!! I may be good on the internet... but...

-Temari Nara

Pure neutral proud of it ^-^ I'm 95% evil and 5% good LOL! I may be nice on here but you all haven't seen my naughty true self yet! :mellow:

I took the evil test. These are the results...

You are good. So good, that you make evil people squirm.

Just remember, you may need to turn to the dark side to get what you want!

I'm good. But everyone has that Sinful nature.


I'm not good. Definitely not good. I'm such a naughty little girl. >w<

...That's a very awkward question you're asking, there. Good and bad are both quite variable.

But, aside from that, I'm normal. Sometimes, I'm good; sometimes, I'm bad.

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I am always evil. Sometimes, I try not to be evil but I still end up doing the most evil things ever. I cannot help it.

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