Are you Korean?...


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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2007
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I'm wondering if your Korean or not because it seems like I'm the only Korean around here.... That makes Tamachatters make fun of me.... So I was just wondering.... Please vote and reply. :unsure: If your Korean, maybe we could be friends.

I'm not Korean, why do tamachatters make fun of you for being Korean? If someones being nasty to you - Tell a Mod/Guide because they shouldn't be doing it.

Me? Well, I'm a Canadian. :unsure:


That's horrible- You must tell a Guide about this.

I'm so sorry that some people are shallow enough to make fun of your Beautiful Culture like that.

But us positive Tamatalkers will always be there for our fellow Members. :D

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I know tons of Korean people. About eighty percent of my school is of Asian decent, including me. Maybe more then eighty. So yeah, there are a lot of Korean people, as well as Indian (not native american), Chinese, maybe a few Japanese, Taiwanese, Cantonese (though thats sort of Chinese) and a range of people from the middle-east.

I don't really ask people on here what their heritage is, :\ Not very important thing for me to ask them.

Well, most of the people here on TamaTalk are from North America (including me).

Why are people making fun of you?

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I'm not Korean, I'm Aussie, but my best friend is Korean. She will be going back to Korea at the end of the year, :D , but maybe you will meet her. Not much chance though.

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My 3 very good friends are going back to Korea on Wednesday, and I am SUPER sad about it. I won't see them for 2 years (when they finish college and all)

I am not Korean, but I will be sending e-mails TO Korea~!

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No, I'm swedish or something but my neighbors are Korean. Actualy, my martial art is Korean so if I stick with it I may get to go to Korea someday. :]

That's horrible. How could anyone make fun of such an interesting culture? You definitely need to tell a guide about that. I'm sorry that some of our fellow Tamatalkers were rude enough to say something mean about your culture. As for your question, I am not Korean.

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