Are you SICK?


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I have a terrible, terrible flu. My fevers are 104F, I can't breathe, and I am making myslelf vomit from coughing so hard. I lost 5 pounds from not eating anything for days. O;

Kinda sick. And the way you talked about your crush, it sounded like you didn't like him except for the cute part.

*Sigh* Yes. Yes, I'm sick. I didn't even go to school yesterday. I felt like fainting and was really weak most of the time. My temperature read 39.6 degrees, but it dropped to 38.4 degrees later. I think my thermometer is broken, though because my temperature keeps switching. Also, one ear reads 37.9 degrees while the other ear reads something else. I feel a lot better now so I'll hopefully be able to go to school on Monday, but I'm still coughing badly so I'm not sure yet. Also, I'm losing my appetite so I barely eat anything anymore x.x
I hope to God its not swine flu

EDIT: my right ear says 37.1 degrees while my left says 37.2 degrees. I think I'm going to be alright after all :( .
Forget I ever said that! I think I'm going to be out all week. I've been coughing really bad to the point of throwing up and like Rachel up there, I've lost my appetite big time, so I barely even eat anything anymore. I feel sick just at the sight of eating something and I've become dehydrated too. So that's why my doctor insisted on having me get a blood test. It was almost hilarious. Not even a single drop of blood came out of my right arm and according to my nurse, it was because I hadn't been eating well, so my veins were dehydrated too. After the nurse poked my arm a little more, she tried my left arm and well...more blood came out than necessary x.x

So now I have to take a lot of pills and antibiotics. My temperature is now around 37.8 degrees which is really a big improvement but you never know.

Nup. Not at all. Finally.

But this irritating cough always comes at the worst times.

Especially mornings---the busiest part of the day. Waaa.

I thought I was going to die this morning. x_x My throat was killing me. But now I'm better. xD
ME TOO. Every morning my throat is killing me but once I eat or drink alot of water it goes away. o_o

And Rachel -- Get better. -Hugs-

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The last time I got sick was in Texas. I ate greasy popcorn at night. I threw up in the mall parking lot on the next day.The day after that at about 2:00 in the morning I threw up in the sink. I always felt the need to No. 2. I think that was it.

I was sick a few days ago, I had to go to the hospital. I blacked out too. And I got this weird shot that hurts when I move my arm. :/

I'm fine now though. I'm just really tired xD

^ I'm really sorry about that :) . I read a Wiki article regarding your condition and you're mostly supposed to get tired easily and be prone to infections, right? (at least that was what I could tell) I hope you get better~

I just took my medicine x.x My appetite is slowly starting to come back and my blood report didn't mention anything serious, so I'm good :) I just feel a little lightheaded and freaky and my medicine tastes absolutely awful Dx

I have a reallllly bad cold / flu. D':

My temperature is 39.4C, I feel all hot and ewwy, and I have a migraine.

Mum wants me to stay home from school.. I insist on going. :)

Usually it's the child who doesn't wanna go to school, and the parent that is making the child go, but atm it's the other way round. o: Though I do feel really hot, have a baaaaad headache, and got cramps in my tummy, I'mma go to school. [: I've made commitments, have thousands of unfinished assignments, and I like to see my friends. xD

I hope you get well soon Ksenia. <33

I still have cold but its not really bad like before. I'm not breathing using my mouth anymore. I can breath using my nose again. xD

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I'm through! My temperature is stable and the only thing that bothers me is a persisting cough. For me, its the same as with Ksenia. Ever since school started, I've been gung-ho about going and made sure never to miss a day but I totally blew it with my cold already Dx. Anyone who's having a tough time out there, I hope you get well. *Hugs*

I am sick now :I it was weird because I had flu symptoms for two days and now I have a bad cold. Some people in my school got swine flu. Oh noez D:

Everyoe was sick and away from school today. I was on MSN and there were at least 6 people home sick, we were all having a group convo and it was pretty fun :)

I slept like an hour during a cooking show, and crawled into bed at around 3 and I just got up at 6. I feel sooo bad =[

I feel like Curling up in a ball and sleeping forever. Stomach-ache, Head-ache, Plus bathroom issues.

Sick = Fail.

Swine Flu!!!

I'm jk. But my mom has been coughing (no, I don't think it's smoker's cough) and I think I got a tiny bit of it at dinner. xP Grrr.

I do know some kids who have had swine flu. To tell the truth, I AM a little frightened to get the H1N1 lolz.

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