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Well-known member
Mar 20, 2008
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There's something badly wrong with my V3 tama's buttons, the A button is so hard to press most of the time it doesn't even work. It ran out of batteries and I just left it there for a few years, but for some random reason I decided to start it up again and guess what - the buttons are stuffed. I don't know what's wrong with it, I didn't put it in water or anything like that. Maybe it's a bit old? But then again, I've had my V2 for even longer and its perfectly fine.


like said above try reseting, changeing batteries, and stretching the bottons did you drop it or press on the bottons hardly? that could be why.if none works then you might need a new tama.

That happened to me, but maybe because I ran through sprinklers with it once. It's only the A button though. Sometimes I used the end of my Nintendo DS's stylus or the end of a pencil to push the buttons!

You could try sending it in to Bandai and seeing if they could fix it, however I've heard stories that they have changed the Tamagotchi version because they didn't have the parts to make the older version or something like that, so if you want your v3 to stay a v3 even if it isn't working that well, you should tell them that.

I don't think I ever did anything wrong to my tama. XD the only tama I ever wrecked was my V2, I dropped it in the sea at the beach and the C button doesn't work anymore.........

As for my V3 I just got new batteries and resetted it. o.o The other buttons work just fine, and I've stretched the buttons too but it doesn't seem to work. I really hope that I don't have to get a new tama. Oh well.

Just sit there for a while and press the buttons maybe they have gone stiff due to lack of pressing. The A button maybe you need to press that one harder or somthing.

hehe XD Maybe they just got stiff from not being used all those years :p

Well yeah, I works a bit better now, but only a BIT, since I spent ages pressing on it. Even now I practically have to squish the button to press it. =P

This might not work, but try it. Continuosly press A hard until it goes without need to press hard. Don't press too hard, that will ruin it. Tamalove is right. They might be stiff...

Your tama may be getting old my first tama (v3) got old and broke

p.s. Ihad it for 3 years.

When someone needs you quietly offer help-MGG

:blink: :pochitchi: :mametchi:

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I haven't played my tamas for a year, then got new batteries, and charged them up.

The buttons were fine. o_o

In fact, my v3 buttons were faster than my v4. :lol:

Are you sure you didn't do anything to damage them? Like drop them or something? :mimitchi:

Hmmm Try opening Up the tama completely. Theres a sensor below the rubber Dust might have gotten into it. that would propably stop the buttons from working. clean of anting under the buttons... thatl work.

P.S Have you seen the type of mean things the jerks that hang out in tama chat say... Man i didnt need that... Never say tamas rock in tama chat If you dont want to be insulted by 5 people at a time

If there is another tamagotchi your not using... (V2 and up......) Switch the buttons. (Remove and switch between the two)

have u ever ate while playing with it?i did and u had to get the hammer to push em in :) kidin but it was hard

No, I haven't ate while playing with it. I don't have a tama I want to swich buttons. And I'm afraid to open it up because I had a tama before that I opened up, and I kind of made a mess of the inside. LOL. I played my V3 almost a year ago, and back then the buttons were fine, but after awhile I noticed the buttons started to get a bit hard, so I removed the batteries and put them in my Uratama. All my other tamas are fine, even my V2 which I said was older than my V3...

Try popping the buttons like so, put your fingers on your

A button, then pull until your tamagotchi button makes a pop as it

goes back into the tama when you let go.

Then your tama's buttons will feel new, for a while.


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