Artistic are you?


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I draws anime/manga and have improved over about 4 years,you know when you look at old drawings and grimace...

I'm artisticly challenged in the drawing field.. D:

I can only free hand something with a picture of it right next to it to go by.

I am not artisticly challenged in writing, though.. I love to write. :3

I guess so. I am a pianist and a viola-ist [..?] so musically I guess I am "artistic".

I also enjoy photography and photo munipulation. It's fun and I have gotten much better the past two years or so I started and I'm really happy about that. I don't find myself to be very good but you gotta start somewhere and it's enjoyable so that makes it worth it to me. n..n

I am, but not the best. No were near the best.

I do have a deviantART, but I am not really fond of my gallery. So yeah. Most members' who know me know I love to draw. As soon as I finish that Tamatalkers comic, the newer members' will see. Which should be in about a week or so >>

I am good with Photoshop as well. Just the basic stuff though, lineart...Coloring, and even putting a head on a body. I am still working on making monster images from a regular picture of a girl.

If anyone wants to see one of my drawings or something, PM me. Though I'm not really that good.

Here is a sample of one I did recently: The eyes' are bugging me. They need a pupil.

i guess, i made sum kawaii fishies. :3

they r hangin on da wall.

AND. i have mental creativity. >:]

I can't draw things that look realistic, and I hate painting or moulding stuff with clay (I hate getting my fingers dirty! It's just this weird little thing I have!) but I do really cute cartoons. They're not realistic, but they're sweet! I can also draw things really tiny and cute like little stars! :)

I've always thought I was a great drawer, actually. When I was in first grade I won 1st place for a painting of the ocean. xDD And then in 4th grade, I won 2nd place for a dragon that I drew. In 8th grade, I drew a girl reaching over a lake and entered it but one 4th place :( Oh well, I don't draw as much as I used to though^O^

I almost forgot! I do sucky pottery, too. xP I don't invest much time in that.

One time I won a contest for my bird drawing, but I got the stupidest prize ever. I got some glitter glue and paper. NOt even crayons! I need new crayons. ;-;

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