*~Ashley's Log~*


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Well-known member
Dec 6, 2008
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Hello everybody. I finally started a log for my music star. The parents left and they had a baby girl. Her name is Ashley. By the time she is a toddler she'll learn how to type. Her Mother was a Violetchi ;) . And her dad was a Togetchi. She is the very first female to be on my Music star. :D She is the sweetist thing and fun to play games with. Wait till she see's music city but right now she's taking a nap. I already decorated her room on music city. It's pink and lots of girl stuff. Hopefully she'll follow her fathers foot steps. ;) I can't wait till she's a toddlar because she can type whatever she wants. I hope you enjoy this log and there will be lots of updates. :D


Hewo Evewybody. This is Ashley. I'm finally a toddlar now. :D I'm a Tamatchi. I got into school today. It was fun. I pwayed jump rope with my teacher and another tama. He dident do good, but I did! I really enjoy pwaying the harp. It makes pwetty sounds. Somday I want to be famous like my Daddy. My gwandpa was famout too. He was this one: :huh: and my gwandma was this one: :mimitchi: . I'm gonna go pway with my ducky now. Bye bye!



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