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Because pigs go oink and cows go Bwak Bwak!!!

Why am I listening to music AND LOVING IT?

Because your Tamatoshu2!!! XD.

Why am I the bordest person in the world?

Because u have nothing but white modly clothes on.

Why is my house covered with REAL fall leaves? (Yes, the leaves are turning red here XD)

Because fall is in december

Why am I alive?


Why is tyfpung bad for you??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

Because it is really an alien spaceship which failed because they could only find paper...

Why don't aliens have a chicken?

Because, let me tell you a secret, they're actually the same person, been cloned, so there is two of them, but with tiny, tiny diffrences.

Why is christmas in May? (I know it isn't)

Because he flew out of the sky and landed on your mum who ate him.

Why do I have a big brother?

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