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You have Athletes Foot. (Why do you even smell your feet?)

Why is cheese purple and the sky green and why why eat poo poo when eating your junk is much tastier and do the people on Star Trek really vaporize their doodie and why did you ask if you feet are smelly and is this getting too long and Im starting to get really annoying, arent i?

Because pink is a pretty sweet color.

Am I the only one that can't ever do the Soulja Boy dance right?

Holy snapples... I've been gone for forever, and this topic is still going strong! :(

because u are an alien and wanted to get a feel for things so you could fit in better so you could abduct people when they arent looking.

why am i an alien from outer space?

because I'm bored

Why can Harry Poter and the Deathly Hallow fite beetwenn my index and my middle finger?

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