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Because you're Filipino. I don't hate all Filipinos (my boyfriend is one!), but I'm not terribly fond of my stepmother. ;)

Why am I using Netscape instead of Mozilla?

cause you feel like using netscape

y did i not realise thhat thier was a quetion aove on my last post?!?!?!!?!

I don't know, but it's okay! :)

Why am I watching MAD TV?

[SIZE=21pt]coz your very very very mad :huh: [/SIZE]


why was i born in the year of the pig, why am i a pig?

'Cause my brother is an alien from Xyion.

What the heck is Xyion?

Don't ask me!

Why am I listening to a radio show called A Prairie Home Companion?

SHE FELT LIKE IT!! GOT A PROBLEM?? (lol, don't take it seriously)

Why won't anyone make me an avatar?

Ask tamagirl, she can make great ones! :huh:

Why does my dad drink Canadian beer (not that Canadians are bad...)?

Because it is made with the same stuff nightmares are.

Why is Colin Mochrie so funny?

A funny Canadian actor :D . Check out the American version of Whose Linesi s it Anyway?

Why is it cold in the house?

Because it stands for "orange cats".

Why is Animal Crossing so fun?

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