At what ages do you tama's grow?


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If you are a baby, it'll take a few hours. If you're a child, it wil be one day. If you are a teenager, it will be three days untill you are an adult. And if you are an adult, I think it will be at age 16 when it becomes an old timer! :lol: :lol:

This has been asked quite a few times...At least one of the pinned threads at the top of this forum will have the answer. The search feature is also very handy. But, so this post has some value, here is the answer anyway (from my experiences)

For Connections:

Baby>Toddler: 1 hour of real time

Toddler>Teen: 1 year old

Teen>Adult: 2-4 years old

Adult>Old timer: around 10 years old

Connexions age the same in real time, but they will have aged a few more "tama years." I am unsure about Pluses, but it should be the same time. ALSO, these times can and will vary slightly, so don't be surprised if you get a teen when it's only, say, 0-1 years old.

YESSS!!!!!!! Thankyou sooooooooooooooo much i'v been lookin for this info for ages!!!!!!Thankyou!!!! :lol:

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