Avatar Sites


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Active member
Jun 25, 2007
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A little Town in the world
[SIZE=12pt]Hey, I'm looking for a cool avatar for the websites I'm on (Mostly this one lol) and, these are the criteriers (my tutor Erin, aka my bff, said I should use big words lol) or what I want, you can all make your own lists too, it doesn't matter, we're all try to help![/SIZE]


1. It has to be animated (so the site should have animated stuff, if it doesn't that's ok too, other people might use them!)


2. Theme: House MD (If you wanna know more about it, ask me)


3. good pix (no nudity, no BAD swear words {shut up, and wtf and wth are OK} and no copy righted images that were stolen)


4. DON'T PUT SPAM SITES ON HERE, OR I WILL TELL AN ADMIN!!! (I mean, if you give me the webkinz site, really, I need avatars, not webkinz)


5. Only give us sites that are good, bad sites = bad time = me not happy = no more posts = idk


6. Have fun with this! (do't go looking it up cuz you have too, I just want sites that you use for your avatars)


and finally.....


7. I don't just need animated ones, not just house MD avatars, all I'm looking for is good, clean avatar sites


thanks for reading!!!!

<3- Shelby

Edit: TamaMum Font size reduced... it really didn't need to be that large. It makes the whole thing difficult to read and can be irritating for some members :angry:

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Yup. Iconator is a good site. You could also try the Createblog avatar section (they probably won't have much though)

I search, for example,

"yugioh! Avatars"

and I get this cool website with a starry purple background. Thats where I got my Bakura avvie*(pokes avvie*

Try not to use big text.

If you like dogs, Try Gingaonline.net.

You can use iconator, like everyone else said. Or you could search up avatars on google.

I've used avatarist.com for a very a long time. Iconator.com is great too btw.

these are good for uploading an image and making it into an avatar,

i.e you can add stickers, crop and rescale, add text and much more to make an avatar:

click here for the avatar makers

btw do u like my avatar? (im random) :blink: :( :huh:


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