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Well-known member
Dec 28, 2004
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I remember I got a :wub: keychain! It was great! I also remember in 1997 (I was 9) when they had books on how to raise yout virtual pet and i would hold a TamaPlushie while i looked at the pics and waited for my brother to finish. ...those were the good ol'days! :huh:

What did they do....? they are on eBay now for AUD$$3.00. Thats cheap...were they any good...?

I remember that I got a keychain of a tama that slid open and closed and each time you opened it it changed pictures to make it look like it evolved.

I was like 5-6 yrs old at the time. lol that was a long time ago that i dont even remember..hehe :p

~julie :D

I have a picture!

My OLD Webpage

3Rd picture down.

I keep the yellow guy on my keychain. :angry:

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lol! i think i still have mine in the basement somewhere... lol! i have 2 i think.........one of them the screen flips and and the other one the screen is like a mood ring kinda! its kool! either that or it glows in the dark lol i can't remember!




Never heard of a Chicnock..try searching here and the net! :)

Funny memories....My 2 sisters and me always wanted a tamagotchi(but didn't know how to play one)Untill I got one in 2004!Yes I rememberI was about 4 and we thought that mcdonalds fake one was real, and we used to show off about it even though it was fake!My parents never gave me a tamagotchi in the late 97's.Till I got one in 2004!

Never heard of a Chicnock..try searching here and the net! :D
yup i have and i found one! apparently i think there are diff. kinds! i saw a virtual pet called "chickpet" (lol) and it had all the same features and looked exactly the same as my chicknoch! its pretty kool. my aunt sent it to me from china when i was in like 2nd grade adn i thought it was a real chicken! i was soo prepared lol i made a bed out of a shoebox! filled with kleenexes! lol well thats my story....

ahhh i got rid of everything when i moved to hawaii i dont have it anymore.... even my original tama. i had the yellow one that moves up and down to change the characteers and the green one with the 3 things that change. oh, and the red one the black screen that changes in heat.

awesomeness. mickey d's should have tama hapy meal stuff again with the tamconnections that are out now. cooler stuff. i mean, c'mon, since 1998 happy meal toys are getting more hi-tech now. (little mini sega handheld games??? voice recording little gadgets)

wtf man... when i was a kid, i was fascinated with just a plain old happy meal toy that had wheels. or had hair (like those mini barbies)

Yeah!, mc donalds introduced me to tamagotchi!. What happened was tamagotchi came out in mcdonals I was in first grade. few months later..... I foprgot all about tamagotchi my dad and I were in a store and I pused and looked at tamagotchi! I was like cool! I remboer those! asked my dad for one said no. Few years later..... Completely forgot about tamagotchi! I was watching tv playing on the laptop when suddenly to my superiese, with my mouth open wide I saw a commercial for Tamagotchi connection and I was like OMG!!! I rember those!!! I want one!!! Few months later in october went to walmart stopped and saw tamagotchi my brother and I both wanted one and my parents thought it was a bit much at first but they decided to get us one. That started my love for tamagotchi! now I'm crazy about them!

Thats so cool!!! I am twelve so I wasn't around for that but that would awesome! Did they do all the same things as the regular tamagotchis back then?

Thats so cool!!! I am twelve so I wasn't around for that but that would awesome! Did they do all the same things as the regular tamagotchis back then?
nah... i mean, they're weren't really an actual game with a chip inside, but they were like little plastic things that did only like one function. it was all just for novelty, but they were super cool anyways for a mcD's toy for that time. hey, i was in 4th grade when the original tamagotchi came out as well as the mcD toys (or was it 3rd? i don't remember) so ppretty much anything amused me at the time.

actually, i am still easily amused now that i think of it. *looks at the letter H key on the keyboard.* oooh.... HHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


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