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Dec 30, 2005
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.Can two tamagotchis of the same gender have a baby?.

.I know in real life they can't but these are toys, and games.

Why would toys do something so.. un.. well you're probably young so yeah. They cant.

.I'm not young, I'm 17. Also they do that in the sim games. They also didn't have genders in the first tamas, so I'm unsure if it plays a part in having children.

In sims you can only make the guys have babies together if you have a hack.. or if a guy gets abducted XD It's not possible because it's pretty much disgusting and.. litterally not possible. I think the reason they gave 'em genders was so they can have babies (and so people wouldnt be like 'what's the gender of my tammaaa waahhhh helpmee!!!111' or whatever :( )

WOOT I'm so happy and it's for a reason you dont know *dances around* Oh and the reason is off topic.. yey. *dance*

.Well in the first sims I'm really not sure because I haven't played it in so long, but in the sims 2 they can without hacking. And how is it disgusting? It's just a game ethier way.

It's disgusting when you think of them as humans. I'm not going to explain here, 'kay? In sims 1 I can't remember either, but they probably could from kissing.. but maybe not. Are you sure in sims 2 they can? By woohooing? I've never tried but I may in the future.

The happy thing is that my mom finally found someone who could put my new graphics card into my comp, after 3 days of not having it and the people not being able to figure it out. It was fine with sims 2 but when I got the expansions, it messed up and thats why I had to get a new one. My mom called and told me in the middle of me typing my last.. message.

.Well yea it's disguting, and against nature if you are thinking of it as humans, and real life creatures, but I'm not.

.Yes you can in the Sims 2, I've done it a few times, for girls, or guys. You don't do the woohoo though, you have to select a different option in the menu called try for a baby.

*RANDOM* What's with the period before the sentence? It's bugging me.. im curious.. it looks strange..

Yeah that's what I meant :( I never use the just woohoo (well, rarely) so I've come to call the 'try for baby' 'woohoo' instead.

.I do it because it's magical stardust. Actually I dunno why, I've just done it for years now.

.Yea, woohoo is just shorter too, lmao.

.You never gave me a straight foward answer, you just told me it was moraly wrong.

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