Baby shower!


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Well-known member
Jul 18, 2008
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Ok Hi you guys!!! If you brought goodies, please set them on the table. Sorry the baby shower is being put on so late, DeLila was having some MAJOR morning sickness, so that delayed us a while. Now she is fine and is ready to have some fun!!! When you want to, please make yourself comfortable on the couch.

We have caterers!!! If you want something, give 'em a holler and they will bring you whatever you want!!!

Their names are:

:wacko: Bill

:rolleyes: Joe


:D Bob

:wub: "Alright I am ready to have some fun!!"

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Hello?? Is anyone there???

:rolleyes: ´´´

DeLila is sad because no one is here.

DeLila: I'm going to bed. *Snuffle*

This topic will be open tomorrow now as well. Hope to actually see someone there.

:mimitchi: : Congrats DeLila!


*sits on chouch* Yawn. *yawns* So how are You DeLila?

Yay For DeLila!! *LolzyLola* sets fruit cake on the table* Thats for DeLila

DeLila: ultrasound pictures or the baby belly?

Grace: Hey guys guess what?

DeLila: What?

Grace: I think I've found my soulmate, Manny. We're still going out, but I think he's the one. If you want to come to our weddding, let me know!

DeLila: YAY!!

DeLila:Their twins!!! A boy and a girl. I'll name the boy Jeremy and the girl Jenny.

Ginger: That's awesome! I got you a present. *hands blankets to DeLila* Here. They're 2 hand made blankets. The pink one with the bunnies and butterflies on it is for Jenny. And the blue one with the puppies and ladybugs is for Jeremy. I embroidered the animals on them myself. I hope you like them!

DeLila: Awwww... They're ADORABLE!!!! Thank you so much!!! I'm sure the babies will love them!! Bob, would you please turn on the Tama-Olympics??? :eek:

Bob: Of course. (Turns on the TV.) :huh:

Princess: Oh goody!!! Go Canada!! :huh:

Ok this topic was supposed to be closed yesterday, but After the shower, DeLila felt the babies kick and knew it was time for them to be born. She was rushed to the hospitel and three hours later, Jeremy and Jenny came into the world and they were born perfectly healthy. The hand-made blankets came in perfectly handy and the babies love them. They came home just this morning and are taking a nap. DeLila is watching the Tama-Olympics and David is heating up bottles for the twins when they wake up.

This is the complete family:

:lol: :wub: ;) :kuribotchi:

David DeLila Jeremy Jenny

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my :( Daniel doesn't know what to give Jenny and Jeremy but he wants to be their friends!

Daniel: Hi Guys!!

They say hello!!

:lol: :eek:



^_^ :eek:

Jeremy Jenny

Daniel evolved too!!! Now he's a young kuchipatchi!! :lol:

:lol: : Let's be friends!!!!

;) :lol: :huh:

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