baby tamagotchi


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Nov 21, 2005
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I just reset my tamagotchi because it died and now that I got a baby tamagotchi i can't let it alone for 2 second or it will get sick or

go to the bathroom!

Baby tamagotchis need a LOT of care. They evolve in exactly one hour though, so they don't stay so needy for very long. Just keep a good eye on it over that hour.

I just reset my tamagotchi because it died and now that I got a baby tamagotchi i can't let it alone for 2 second or it will get sick or go to the bathroom!
Babies are more difficult to handle then human babies..Lol.They poo every five minutes loses one heart every 5 minutes and gets sick once.And cries once.(that means you phraise it and get 1 training bar up.)And sleep once.(for about 5 minutes.)Do not worry once they are toddlers you are perfectly fine.

u cant leave your tama for 3 minutes during the baby stage without it pooing or getting sick or loosing hearts! lol

They need alot of care, feed them every time they lose one, they go to the bathroom alot, they get sick once (usually) and stuff like that. They're needy.

I just reset my tamagotchi because it died and now that I got a baby tamagotchi i can't let it alone for 2 second or it will get sick or go to the bathroom!
A u debugded?

B it is a very DEMANDING child/ baby

C you are hillosanating!!

D you are exadurating!!

Hope this helped!!

My advice to everyone, when first getting your tamagotchi, DO NOT hatch it on a school morning! The poor Tama will need to much help.

:angry: If you pause your tamagotchi, (by holding A and pressing B whilst you hold it), when you're busy, it won't age or do anything. :(

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