Baby's New Log


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Kreepy kat

Active member
Nov 30, 2006
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Well today Pippit, my mimitchi was visited by the Matchmaker. Seeing as how out of my six tamas I had only one adult male(Ino) who was already in love with another one of my adult females(Rox) I decided to let her pair Pippit with a very lucky leaftchi. After all the fireworks and such, Pippit gave birth to a cute little baby boy. I still don't know what to name the little cutie but after tonight more posts will come on this lad.

Update: Since I've only seen the V3 babies twice, I made a mistake in what the baby was! Its acctually a cute little baby girl who I chose to name Tetra :blink: . She soon grew into her toddler stage and at that point I began to teach her to write. I think we go it down so after this, all logs will be written by her except if something like death happens. Feel free to post your coments, let's get this log started!

Wow. Today was lot's of fun, I got named and I got to eat solid food! I guess it wasn't so fun that my mom left me. I don't even know what happened! I just woke up and she was gone! I got used to my owner though and she named me Tetra! After I had my first meal, we played games for awhile, then I felt kinda strange, and ya'know why? Cuz I had changed! I had changed into kuchitamatchi! My first day on my own was pretty tough. When I was still a teletchi, I didn't know much so when my owner didn't clean up my poop right away, I ate it! That made me really sick and I had to get a shot :blink: . I'm never doing that again! My owner keeps saying how neat it would be if I turned into nyatchi but I just wanna be a dorotchi! So already we've had our first fight and when we did I went over to Rox's house, she's an adult and had to take care of a baby but didn't seem to mind that I was there. After that I came home, I'm so exsauhsted right now that I might fall asleep any second, well goodnight.

Sigh. Today wasn't a good day. I was on pause all day until my owner came back from school! Then after I thought I might be able to enjoy myself at home, she made me play a bunch of games against this adult tama, his name's Iggy and I never really liked him much but now I hate him! He kicked my butt! I guess I really didn't do much else today. Infact, as I write this, my owner's setting me up for another game! This is so boring! I acctually hope my bedtime comes soon! Its no fun to keep loseing ;)

Today was so cool! After I played a bunch of games, I changed again! This time I changed into an Obtachi! I can't wait till I grow up! Hold on a sec...this curl on my head is annoying me *fusses* well whatever. Today my owner didn't pay much attention to me though, or any of the others for that matter. She seemed like we were becomeing an annoyence. I don't know why though, cuz me and the others were just doing what we always did...maybe she's getting sick...she said something about 'bordom' and 'reseting'. I don't get she trying to reset her boredom? I don't know if that's possible but I hope she does whatever will make her give us all more attention!
