Band Names


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That's genius~ ;D
I personally think that a band name comes from its members, not random people that you don't even know!! I'd confir with your band members and come up with a title that has special meaning for all of you. n____n
Actually, I agree completely. :)

I was actually thinking about this earlier, and found that I liked the name 59 Seconds. It would seem fitting for more of a punk rock band, though. That aside, I just like the ring to it. 8D

Ok so me and three of my friends are starting a band and we need a name. Here's some info about our band.
It's me and my three friends, Julia and Hannah. We are all in 7th grade, all pretty tall for our age.

JULIA: 13 years old, brown hair and brown eyes and really pretty. Tall

Hannah: Basically the same as Julia except she's 12 I think

Me: 12 years, almost 13, blonde hair, freckles, blue eyes, tall

I have no idea why I just described myself and them but Idk. So we are doing Pop/Rock music. I play drums, Julia does guitar and Hannah sings.

So give us a name or a way that we could potentially find a good name. That would be sooo great! Thanks!

How 'bout Them?


COOOOL! I love bands!!! Ok sorry, it's just that my friend's in a band too and..yeah. (Their website link is in my sig if you might be interested!)

Umm. I'm not good at naming bands, because I've never done it, but I've seen this website that can generate band names out of any word (including gibberish)! You just type in something in the box and they give you all these names. It's fun, you can even use it when you're not making up a band name!

Here it is:


Ooh I got one, how about Twisted Echo?

heh heh

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