Banner help!


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Well-known member
Aug 31, 2011
Reaction score
Ok sorry if it has to be moved i just couldnt find where to put it.

But: I have made my own banner in my signature and i want to make it so you click on it and it directs you to my log / brings up my log. I tried but it always either comes up with the log link or just all writing and codes. I made the banner on Paint if that helps. Please reply :D Thanks


Copy and Paste into your signature. :3


Copy and Paste into your signature. :3
WAIT how'd you do that???

WAIT how'd you do that???
[url=url goes here][img=image url goes here][/url]
Basically for the[ url= ], you copy the link from the address bar and paste it in [ url= ]. For the image, you take the image you want and right click it and click on 'copy image url'. Then you paste it between [ img ] [ /img ]. After [ /img ], you type in [ /url ] and you're done!(you don't put in spaces, but I did it so you can see it)

I hope that wasn't to complicated...

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Or instead or typing in the codes,in your signature editor,click the Link button.Paste the link to your log under the URL box and the image code to your picture in the link text box. It does the same thing Memetchi<3 did but without typing in all the HTML codes. :)

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