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Honestly, I'd rather fall off a 40-foot building than vomit. It is my single worst fear. Last time I did it was 3 years ago when I had salmonella food poisoning. Worst 5 days of my life.

I have emetophobia, which is the technical name for an extremely irrational fear of vomiting. It's part of why I don't eat meat and refuse to eat fast food. When the stomach flu was going around my school I brought a bottle of hand sanitizer that I used after I touched anything that wasn't mine. Yes, I go a little crazy, but that's how I get by.

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Barfing is not fun at all. Sometimes you just suddenly feel a stomach ache, not expecting anything to happen, but before you know it, you're leaning at the toilet, barfing. :p That's what I hate about puking. It like forces its way out. It's like, mmm *blech* mm *blech* *cough* *hack* and it keeps on going. It also smells horrible.

I hate it. When I get sick, Its bad. I lay in bed and cant move my stomach. If I do, it hurts so bad. I cant take it. I cant stand people throwing up in school. It gets me sick to my stomach >.<. I also have a fear of throwing up in school, even if ihave a tiny stomachache

I haven't puked since 3rd grade. I don't care for it, but nobody does... =.=

&& like TigerLily, I get red blotchy face mabob thingy too... -'- *way w/ words xD*

If someone pukes i ither RUN FOR THE HILLS or if its in a room you cant get out of i puke and gag x.X

it feels icky.



but i rarel throw up. i have a really strong stomach. i don't throw up on rides, or disgusting stuff. only when i am sick. and once around that time of moth *shudders*


i feel grat affter puking though, it really is terrible though. once i had dry heaves >.<

it feels icky.  


but i rarel throw up. i have a really strong stomach. i don't throw up on rides, or disgusting stuff. only when i am sick. and once around that time of moth *shudders*


i feel grat affter puking though, it really is terrible though. once i had dry heaves >.<
EW, dry heaves. Its like barfing only nothing comes out.

Does anyone know why I get shaky before I puke?

EW, dry heaves. Its like barfing only nothing comes out.
Does anyone know why I get shaky before I puke?
I think you may get shaky for a couple reasons. One may be anxiety, you hate so much to vomit that you're anxious about it. Second might be related to blood. The muscles in your stomach contract to push out its contents. You may notice after a really bad spell, some blood vessels around your eyes have burst. Blood pressure :|

I absolutely hate throwing up. I would feel sick in school just a little bit and lock myself in the bathroom at the nurse's office. I'm scared of throwing up in school. It's nasty and embarrassing and icky and blech I just can't stand it!!!!!!!!

this might sound a little weird but when i think or cream cheese frosting i either puke or gag also in 1st grade the girl that sat in front of me(we sat in rows) suddenly puked out of no where and she puked all over the boy sitting in front of her!!!!!!!!! and this kid in my class now 5th grade he pukes like 10 times a day i trash can all around the room and i sit by this one boy who i like to mess with hates that dont get me wrong i do to but he is to the point where even if its in a trash can he pukes on the side of his desk which is gross consodering i set directly next to him but for some reason it doesnt bother me that much sry 4 the looooooooooooooooooong reply!!!

Well a it is kind of like 60% I dont like it then 40% I dont really dislike it. That is because when you have a stomach ache after you barf your stomach feels better. But the bad thing is a few minutes later you stomach hurts again. And it also tastes really disgusting and smells really bad. So that is a good thing and those are the bad things about it.

When I was little I thought puking was cool. Well that time ive never barfed before. So when I barfed I was so scared I thought it was monster but it was actually my puke

I HATE barfing, but sometimes you just feel a little sick and you need to do it.

I never have had any bad experiences of barfing at school.

I HATE barfing, but sometimes you just feel a little sick and you need to do it.
I never have had any bad experiences of barfing at school.
Neither have I But I hope that if I have to I do it in the bathroom..

Yesterday, I was playing a game with my class, but before I got there my head was hurting, and I got cold very easily. So while playing the game I felt a strange feeling. It made me wander a little bit but then my stomach started to become upset. My friends were saying "How come he isn't doing anything?" I only talked quietly because I would've barfed if I talked louder. I sat down and afterwards I felt a little better. After I went inside and I wore one of my teacher's sweatshirts (she allows us to when we get cold) and I sat down at my desk, cold and on the verge to falling asleep, but I feel 100 percent better!

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