Bats xDDD


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Well-known member
May 10, 2008
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On the Moon with the Jonas Brothers.
I live in the mountains mostly. But not like way up. I just don't live in the city that much. But anyway, We have a lot of wildlife. Deer, racoons, snakes :D squirrels, chipmunks (so cute he he) and rats, and owls, eagles,Yea.. Well I saw a rattlesnake in my yard once and my freind has seen tons of snakes!! My other freind even cut off the head of a snake once. :p We even see snake skins. Eww. But what I think is the coolest is that there are...BATS! We have bats in our yards all the time. On our porch we have a roof over it so theres little corners, and bats go up in those little corners and sleep. I think their soo cute. Their puny heads, with tiny ears, and their little wings are all scrunched up. And theyre hanging upside down!!! Hahah. Well post your comments about any wildlife you have at your house, or share you cool wildlife stories!!!

One time in a place we used to live in, we had a bat problem. Well, in my sleep I got divebombed by a potentially rabid bat and my cat whacked it out of the air and killed it for me. :] I slept through the whole thing.

I don't think I've ever seen a bat in the wild, actually.

wow that must be cool. i live in southern new york. the place is crowded as hell. we have no wildlife besdies the small birds..

once when i went on an overnight trip in pennslyvannia, a bat flew into one of the cabins.

bats are really cute. they were everywhere..

Lucky! I'd LOVE to see bats! I found a dead one outside once, just a little brown one. I think they're so cute :3 The area I live is really lacking in wildlife :/ All we have are chipmunks (<3), a couple squirrels, and, uh, that's it. I've never even seen a rat or a mouse here. Oh! I did forget one thing though, we have tons of deer. My brother accidentally hit a deer once while driving at night. D: It was okay, but I can't say the same for my brother's car. :angry: I saw a snake here ONCE, in a forest. It was just a tiny garter, but I'd LOVE to have more snakes here, since I think snakes are really cool animals. They're so cute :3

Bats. There aren't any around where I live, but this russian resort I go on vacation to which is in the mountains mostly. You can see all these bats. This guy even counted one day how many bats they've seen and it was like 46. At night you can see them all the time, but everybody said that if these bats land on your head you have to shave your hair off. o_O

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