be careful!


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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2007
Reaction score
Connecticut, United States
:D ok, well, this person on neopets....... wait, I shouyld start at the beginnig :D

Ok, one day, I was playing on neopets. Just doing some trades and stuff. Then, I got off the computer so my big sis can go on her neopets account. She logged in and stuff. She did her dailies while I walked into the kitchen for 1 minute to get some juice. Then it happened. She got a mail from someone saying " go to this place. It is just a login form for neopets " so she did. She didn't log in because the site didn't say " " It was a scam. They took the border and stuff from neopets, and put it all on one website. He/she got reported by my sis. It was a scam to delete her account, and give EVERYTHING she had to that person. ( bad person ) atleast she didn't fall for it. She posted it in the boards.

All's I am trying to say is, if the website doesn't say and it is a login form for neopets, don't do it! You'll be soooooo sad if you do!

Well, hope that helped! Be careful!

Somthing like that happenned to my friend.Her x-friend used the lost password thing and she does bad stuff to her account.(bad girl!)I reported her a long time ago ans her account still won't freeze! :D

I know! Why do peoples do that anyways?!?!?!?!?!?!?! They are actually stupid doing that because they CHOOSE to get their account frozen. I mean, if you REALLY want neopoints, alls you need to do is work for it! :furawatchi: Was that so hard to do? NO!


yeah it isnt hard to do ive been on neopets for only a month, but ive already earned over 718,000 np

B) ok, well, this person on neopets....... wait, I shouyld start at the beginnig ;)

Ok, one day, I was playing on neopets. Just doing some trades and stuff. Then, I got off the computer so my big sis can go on her neopets account. She logged in and stuff. She did her dailies while I walked into the kitchen for 1 minute to get some juice. Then it happened. She got a mail from someone saying " go to this place. It is just a login form for neopets " so she did. She didn't log in because the site didn't say " " It was a scam. They took the border and stuff from neopets, and put it all on one website. He/she got reported by my sis. It was a scam to delete her account, and give EVERYTHING she had to that person. ( bad person ) atleast she didn't fall for it. She posted it in the boards.

All's I am trying to say is, if the website doesn't say and it is a login form for neopets, don't do it! You'll be soooooo sad if you do!

Well, hope that helped! Be careful!
well, what i think about that...keep reading

haha! :D

thanks so much but i already knew that. well atleast your helping other people thats good to know :D ;)

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