Beat Back-to-School Blues


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Well-known member
Jul 28, 2005
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(sorry if this isn't allowed) We're all nervous! :( Come on, we're starting school soon, most of us, again and freaking out! When I started middle school, I was totally clueless. I needed major help! That's why I decided to give advice on how to hack homework, multiple teachers, and fussy lockers. Here's stuff to read about handling your first year of middle school. (or your second, third, etc

The Days up until School

Spend as much time with freinds and doing fun things as possible! You only have a little summer left!

The Night Before

Do something to make you calm (read, write, watch tv, play with tama, whatever calms you.) Make sure you have everything you need for the big day tomorrow: notebooks, pencils, markers, calculator or whatever else you need. Have your outfit picked out that youre going to wear tomorrow, then the big day you wont have to waste time picking out what looks good on you. (Tip: Don't wear something you wouldn't wear all the time, it will make you look like a poser.) Then brush your teeth, grab your teddy bear and SNORE!

The Morning

Wake up at least 45 minutes before you have to leave to go to school. Then you wont have to be rushed. Get dressed, grab your tama (if you want to take it to school)eat breakfast and try your best not to freak out. Stay calm. Write your bus number (if you have one) and locker combo either on your hand or on a paper tucked safely in your pocket. Be at your bus stop (if you have one) or carpool area (if you have one) 10 minutes early. (Tip: If you have a bus, sit by someone that looks lonely or nice(if posible.))

At School

Getting to school can be a big deal, so step out of the car or bus as if your used to this. Hug your mom or dad goodbye (if they took you to school) and walk into the school confidently. Once you're in the school, find the place where you need to be. If you draw a blank, ask someone where you should be (optional). If you walk into a room full of strangers, smile and look confident. Sit by someone who looks nice, or sit next to someone who doesn't look mean. If there's only one seat, take it. If you see someone nice, smile. It doesn't hurt. If you dont want to talk to anyone, pull out a book, magazine or tama (be careful, make sure noone sees it and the sound is off) and wait until the teacher comes in. After the teacher is there, pay attention. Pause your tama and put i in your pocket, and set your eyes on the teacher. He/She will have a lot to pass out, go over and explain. Most classes last from 30 minutes to 2 hours. At your next class do the same, but dont take out anything to do, because the teacher is probably already there. You should have 1-5 classes before lunch. If you thought that was hard, wait till lunch...just kidding, it's not as bad as you think. You've probably met someone by now. If not, sit with someone who looks friendly. Or, sit with your new friend. If any seat is saved, say okay and move along. Before long, lunch will be your favorite time of the day.

About Classes

You should have anywhere from 4 to 10 classes a day (about 7) lasting from half an hour to 2 hours. If the teachers are boring, listen anyway. you might learn something. If you need help, ask for it! if your question is embarasing, wait till after class to ask it. Or, if you have to go to the bathroom, go up to the teacher and ask if you can go quietly. usually they say yes.

Getting Around

Getting form class to class is a big issue. Try to be the first one out of your class, and do your combo slowly so you do it right. If you'r e in a hurry, it drives you nuts, but it works almost every time. Practice, practice, practice your combo. A good time for this is in the morning. Remember your schedule, write it down. Quiz your self on free time. If youre ever late, slink quietly to your seat. But if the teacher asks you why you were late, don't lie. If your teacher doesn't beleive you, get a witness.


Teachers can be stressful. But they usually have good reasons for the descisions they make. Like, if Mr. Hendrickson won't give you an extension on your math project, it is probably because you had the same amount of time and the same project to do as everyone else. All teachers have rules like, no gum, no getting drinks during class, etc.

It'll only hurt you to break the rules. I know your'e not going to be silent in class, but you don't have to throw spitballs every time the teacher turns away. Remember that teachers are people too, and school is not their entire life. If they are truly good teachers, respect them.


Dont think the teachers are killing you with homework. They want you to learn. If at school, geometry made sense, but when you get home, it's like you never learned any shapes when you were two, don't worry. Take notes in class. If this doesn't help, get a tutor. They do help you. But what if you get the stuff, but don't have time to do it? Say you have 2 pages of math homework and one page of science? And, after scool you have baseball, swimming and Girl Scouts? Do work in every spare minute. If that doesn't work, cut some of your activities. Do you go to baseball just to stare at the cute twins, Jake and Jared on your team? Do you go to Girl Scouts just to chat with Jenny? Cut the ones that are least important.

Got the ZZZZz when doing homework? Give yourself a reward such as every ten problems, you watch 5 mins of tv or eat some chocolate. Take small breaks, such as to feed Max, your puppy, or practice guitar. Make a list of what you have to do. Cross it off when done. Listen to your favorite band. Turn up Hilary Duff or Toby Keith. Whoever you like.


" I heard Kim was going out with Jake!" "Oh my gosh, Reba is uglier than Michael Jackson!" Almost everyone has mean things said to them. Just look at the person who said it like they are stupider than a rock. It usually works. Some people are really addicted to gossip, some aren't. If you are, you are not bad, just try not to be too mean.

After all this, your'e probably pooped. Go home, eat a snack, do homework, and go to bed!

Hope I helped!

- Anna :(

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WOW! That must have taken a long time! I'm going into Junior High (Canada)/Middle School (US/and sumtimes Canada) And I am so nervous. But also excited!!! I'm afraid people will think I'm a loser if they see me with my tamagotchi, but all I needis my friends to like me not everyone so It's not TOO big of a deal. But, thank you very much!!!


glad to help!!! no prob. yeah took over an hour, but it wasn't too bad. I'm a fast typer. (70 words per minute average) ;)

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Thanks for the tips! I already went to middle school for a year, but this will still help me. I didn't get lost on the first day there, but I got lost on the third! I hope I don't get lost next year, that will be embarrasing.

I got lost four times, 3 on the first week, and 1 in April. Did you guys actually read the whole thing?

I got in trouble for My locker not opening >.< I did it wrong, So I got a teacher to open it for me, I tried to tell my 3 period teacher and she made me Tardy and she said "U shouldve told someone!" When I told my A day 3 period teacher >.<

Okay, I must sound stupid to you guys but...what grade is considered middle school? :unsure:

Okay, I must sound stupid to you guys but...what grade is considered middle school? :unsure:
It's usually 6th, 7th, and 8th, but it can be 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, or even 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th. It's the school that comes after elementary school, but right before high school.

I am so nervous for middle school(sixth grade)I am gonna watch a show on nickelodeon called the worstest day of middle school on sunday,I hope it doesn't scare me,I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so nervous

:unsure: :blink: :furawatchi: <_< :unsure: :wacko:

(I read the whole thing anyway)

It's usually 6th, 7th, and 8th, but it can be 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th, or even 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th. It's the school that comes after elementary school, but right before high school.
Well, I'm going into 5th grade.

Midle school is anywhere form 4th to 9th grade. My middle school is from 5th to 8th. I'm going into seventh, but all my classes are eighth grade.

Midle school is anywhere form 4th to 9th grade. My middle school is from 5th to 8th. I'm going into seventh, but all my classes are eighth grade.

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