Becoming Scene, need a few pointers


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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I know this may sound ridiculous. :)

But I'm interesting into becoming scene, I just have a few questions.

1) What is the main music interest?

2) Where would do they most likely get their clothes at?

3) And is it expensive to be one? (I think I'm working on a $200 budget or so).

4) Extra Comments/Additional Info

Thank you so much.


1) Scremo

2) HotTopic

3) I don't know? It's just a label. Why does it matter to you anyway :/

Why would you want to turn yourself into a label that's not exactly looked at as a good thing?

I don't understand what's so wrong with just being yourself these days.

Heather, I agree.

Where I am, everyone's just themselves. We don't have gothics, emo's, or scene's in my school, because my school is just themselves.

We have Tomboys, but that's different.

Why would you want to turn yourself into a label that's not exactly looked at as a good thing?
I don't understand what's so wrong with just being yourself these days.
Well, I actually liked the dress style.

So I wanted to dress like, so I decided if I was going to dress like it, I should be it. I didn't want to be considered as a poser.

So are you suggesting I'm free to dress like that without being interested into anything?

~Kaythina~: we don't either, it's rare tho.

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Well, I actually liked the dress style.So I wanted to dress like, so I decided if I was going to dress like it, I should be it. I didn't want to be considered as a poser.

So are you suggesting I'm free to dress like that without being interested into anything?

~Kaythina~: we don't either, it's rare tho.
You're free to dress however you want.

What I say now compared to what I said earlier is going to sound contradictory, but here me out.

You shouldn't care if people think you look like a poser. Nobody should care what other people think of themselves. That's what causes low self-esteem. People get butt hurt if others have a negative opinion of them, so they try to change themselves.

There's a huge difference between dressing a certain way, and actually conforming yourself to a label and identifying as such.

For instance, I have what some could consider a fringe, but I don't identify myself as any label, and when people put me in one they easily get the message to bite me.

I think the point I'm trying to get across is more-so you should just be yourself, dress how you want, but don't worry about putting yourself into a label, especially when all you're interested in is the clothing style.

Well to be scene you have to...

Listen to Brokencyde or Family Force 5 or 3oh!3... etc

.... puff out your hair and mess it up... dye it a bunch of different colours and stuff and have it in your face.. use lots of hairspray!

Wear jeans that are reeeeally tight on you...

wear so much make up that it looks horrible. lots of heavy make up around the eyes

pierce yourself.

oh yesh...

And go to hot topic and pick out any band shirts that look cool! Who cares if you actually listen to them or not? You're scene! :angry:

oh and you'll have to starve yourself to be able to pay for all the hairspray you'll be using.

that's basically it.

I would not recommend becoming scene.. It's not a good thing.

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If you're "interested in becoming scene" How come you know nothing about it?

When you're Scene, or Emo, or Goth or whatever it's usually labeled on who you are and your interests. You just wanting to "become" scene makes you mostly a poser :/

Dye your hair black or some neon color, use a lot of eyeliner, skinny jeans, usually the shirts at Hot Topic are the ones I see 'Scene' kids wear a lot. Usually really colorful too. If your hair is too short to make it look 'big' get extensions.

Then again down here, we don't have scene kids. It's either ghetto or glamor queens.

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