Beehive alert! O_O


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A bee fell into my apple cider today... O__O
So like, really scary. I'd be running for my life. Everyone in school knows how much I'm scared of bugs. If there were bees everywhere I'd be having a panic attack. x3

Also, what are talking about when you say "first day of the term?"
In Australia it was the first day of term for us.

Anyway, that's so strange, how did the bees get in there?O.O

I get scared when I see one bee, so I can't imagine how scary it is to have hundreds of thousands of bees in a locker, that would be sooo scary! ;)

Oh. My. Gawd.

How did those bees get in there?

But if there were bees in MY locker, I be running for my life! X.x

In fact, it is gonna be a horror movie.

And, ditto with Tamaland_Kitty_Kat, I would have said the same thing.

~Mini Mew

How did the bees get in here:

I assume it was due to that our corridor is upstairs and outdoors and there are trees near the balcony. But if you ask me, I honestly don't know the truth either... Maybe it was contaminated.

I think I would literally wet myself.

*sigh* in Fourth Grade, I had rotting food in my locker. Credits to:


I never brought my food home, so eventually, it rotteded. D=

Bees in the locker does sound scary.

In my locker they're's probably a dead possom. Bees wouldn't suprise me.
Wait there is a dead possum or their probably is? O_O That would be disgusting if there was a dead possum in a locker not to mention disturbing as heck! XD

I would have screamed like a monkey XD. I saw a wasp (sp?) nest in the school bathroom once but it was unoccupied at least lol bug nests appear in the weirdest places ever imagine if her stuff was in there that would have been nasty she would have honey, bee corpses, larvae etc. it would have been gross! I scream a little if a little bee flies near me lol I was at the zoo on Saturday and a bee flew by me and I did a little scream and ran from it and I went to my brother lol ( I screamed quietly because I didn't want to scare the animals over a bee lol )
I agree, they do show up in weird places! We had to clean out Dad's old truck so he could sell it, and then we discovered that there was a WASPS NEST INSIDE THE HANDLE! They had built inside the door, and the exit was peeking out from under the handle... If we had tried to open the car, we would be very sorry...;_;

Just reading this topic gave me the heebie-geebies }:

I am dead scared of bee's, wasps, and anything that goes BUZZ near my ear.

This is why when I see bee's I end up hiding behind someone.

Of course, then there's the kid who decides to HIT it, and I am wearing perfume, so here comes a mad bee right for me, I'm screaming in terror D:



But bees are NOTHING compared to hornets! You can't outrun a hornet and hornets can get HUGE! I've seen huge ones only 2 times in my life. Once I was little and saw these 2 huge 4 inch tall hornets fighting. Then a couple of years ago I came back from my vacation to Arkansas and when we opened the garage, a huge hornet flew out and I ran into the car and shut the door until I saw it fly very far away.

Thosr things are the scairest things EVER!!!!!

Once my uncle was riding his tractor out in the pasture and ran over a hornet nest (they live under ground) and hundreds of them flew out and he got off the tractor and ran for his life. Luckly they just attacked the tractor, not him.

I would have scremaed bloody murder and ran as far away as possible.

EDIT: 1,000TH POST!!!

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Wow! That's so weird. Maybe it was some kind of prank? x.x
Maybe but how would someone get away with that? XD I think there might have been larvae in there and they made a hive in their and reproduced and stuff ( bugs make babies fast e_e ) so they could have made the hive from germs or something like that XD. But I probably would have died lol.

I would've been backing away slowly...then running! x.x
We have giant yellowjackets in our library in the Harry

Potter section, and a hornet in the Multi-Purpose room.

I saw it during the book fair.
I wouldn't go to the library like ever again.

If there's one thing worse than wasps, it's yellowjackets.

Just reading this topic gave me the heebie-geebies }:I am dead scared of bee's, wasps, and anything that goes BUZZ near my ear.

This is why when I see bee's I end up hiding behind someone.

Of course, then there's the kid who decides to HIT it, and I am wearing perfume, so here comes a mad bee right for me, I'm screaming in terror D:


OhEmGee!I would have probably sprinted into a teacher or someone :p
I probably would have walked into a door. xD

I hate bees.

My friends and I sit outside to eat , and theirs flowers nearby...So the bees come by EVERYONE and EVERYONE freaks! >:[

omg thats so scary! back in 5th grade one kid kicked a rock that had tons of bees in it and dang they were everywhere! good thing only one person got stung and they weren't elergic to bees.

I've never been stung and I don't want to :(


Maybe but how would someone get away with that? XD I think there might have been larvae in there and they made a hive in their and reproduced and stuff ( bugs make babies fast e_e ) so they could have made the hive from germs or something like that XD. But I probably would have died lol.
Oooh I see. That's a smart way of looking at it. ^^;

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