Bella Luna - A Tamagotchi Blog


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I wrote this post a couple of days back, but I haven't had the chance to post it until now, so enjoy! (And I will likely update again later today with what has happened the last few days...)

We're nearing the big 10,000 views! I remember back when I was on page two of the bog, where I thought getting 200 views was a tremendous milestone, oh how time passes so quickly! Now that I really think about it, I first started this blog back when I first got my V1 way back in May of 2008, making the log nearly 6 years old now, and although looking at my old grammar makes me cringe, Iḿ really glad that I have continued on with the blog for this long, with no intent of stopping anytime soon! But now isn't the time for getting all mushy about that, Iĺl save that for May…

As for now though… well… I came into this saying that i’d start slow… but it seems that I have completely disregarded that by unpausing even more tamas!I have separate reasons for starting up each one, which I will get into in their own sections below!

Oh, and today marks the first day that I actively use pictures! Keep in mind that pictures won’t so much be an everyday thing, but I’ll try to have them as often as I can! Without further ado, lets look at all the little wonders in all their glory! The pictures are a bit blurry now, but I'll keep trying to find a better angle to take them from!

I would start with Rose on the P2, but I don’t have a whole lot to update on. Yesterday, I ended up heading to another town about an hour away to embark on a several hour shopping safari! Needless to say, I can’t really afford to miss another training opportunity with Rose, so she didn't end up being unpaused most of yesterday, she’s still bopping around at age six, now with only half training (Somehow went down?).

Next in the platoon is Twink, and unlike Rose, she saw the most unpause time yesterday, as I pretty much carried her everywhere in my pocket. Despite this, she hasn’t really seen much change, other than being spoiled rotten with more chocolate hearts than I’ve ever seen someone eat. Otherwise, she is 6 now, and will hopefully become the twin angels pretty soon here is she is going to, that is. Fingers still crossed!


Jame- er, Jamie the V1 was in much the same position as Rose was, although she did see some unpause time, and in that time, she was feeling ambivalent, and ended up getting another training bar! One step closer to the fabled Mametchi!

Here’s one piece of new news, I’m thinking of starting up my V2 again! (Kusatchi, here I come!) I haven’t starting running him just yet, but I did pop in a battery to see where I left off. I was greeted by the 5th generation newborn cutie named Simon! I’ll likely start raising him later today, so keep an eye out for updates!

Next is little lady Lute (V3), with some big news! She is officially single, and ready to mingle! What exactly does that mean? Well…

Well it means that I have started up my other V3 (Green opposed to Lute’s Red) in order to marry Lute! Just who is this charming fellow to sweep Lute off her feet, you may ask? Well, it’s none other than Ninja the FlowIertchi! (I know the species has more than one official name, but I could never pronounce her other name…) What does this mean for my oldest Tamagotchi attempt? I still plan to keep Chao going strong (The King wouldn't have it any other way, mind you), and speaking of Chao, I have some news regarding her that will be revealed within the next few days… Oh, and Lute decided to go treasure hunting again, and even managed to find a treasure chest! Too bad it didn't have any treasure nor weight loss methods locked away in there, just a bunch of smelly old cheese. At least Lute was happy.



But for now, let’s see how Chao is doing here and now! Chao is… well Chao! She saw a lot of unpause time, just not of eventful things happened. She went to see what the shops had in store, but didn’t find too much of interest, so she went home and played some 80’s Jazz at full volume in her new stereo.


UraTama too had fallen into the same grouping as Rose and Jamie yesterday, so he hasn't seen any change since my last post…

And this is where I would post about my ID L.. if it was here… boy this is going to take some time. 2-4 weeks is the estimated delivery time, sooooo… *sigh* let the waiting game begin…Hopefully it won’t actually be too bad, I’m really hoping for 2 or so week delivery, one can dream!

So, what did you think of the new pictures, and for that matter how I organize my posts? Are the pictures clear enough? Are my posts too rambely? Do you want more details? Do you want me to make the font larger? Let me know all of these and more in a comment below, so I may better your experience of reading my blog in any way possible!

-And for now, see ya!
